Amore: Part IV

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....another Polaroid photo.

The page was covered in blood drops and bloody fingerprints. There was a complete murder scene in the photo. Prudence had blood drops all over her face and hands. What on earth, thought Robin, why would anybody take a picture like that? There was no caption under the photo, just a date:


The entry was seen on the next page.

March 25, 2015

Dear Amore,

Two days ago I cut myself. It was a complete shock to me. I had a huge fight with Palutena and Richard, Dan was in his college then, and Oleg went outside. They abused me physically, verbally. My mom even said that she would've made an abortion if she knew I'd be the way I am now. I've never been so hurt in my life. Even Sara didn't hurt my feelings the way Palutena did that day. After I heard that, I couldn't even call them "mom and dad" anymore. Since that incident, I've called them by their first names. But I started calling my dad Dick and not Richard because Dick is a short name for Richard and he behaves like one. He gets infuriated when anybody calls him Dick, especially if it's me. And I do not care how mad he gets, I will never call him Dad again. Anyway...

After the fight, I was able to escape and run off. I ran to Joshik's house to hide there, but he wasn't home. Jeff and Ryan weren't either, they went off to play pinball and bowling with Robin Lansing (another boy in my school who was held back and I find him quite attractive), Andriy Domashevsky (who is a friend of Sara), Maximilien Fort (Robin's friend) and Maurice. So I threw this terrible tantrum, and I don't remember what happened after I screamed. The only thing I remember is grabbing an old knife in someone's driveway and then something happened, I don't remember it either. When I stopped screaming, there were cuts on my arm. I screamed again and lost conscience. Then, I woke up in the hospital. My arms were still bleeding and the doctors were treating them...


Robin stopped reading this entry because what Prudence was describing was too explicit and it made him feel sick. He flipped through the diary to see if there was anything disturbing or new about Prudence, however, most of Amore was covered with Prudence's drawings and entries that talked about fights with parents, Sara or Oleg, school suspensions, visits to Joshik's house, self-harm, smoking and drinking, hangouts with Jefferson, Ryan, and Maurice. Nothing new, those became normal for Prudence. Finally, Robin got to November 2015, which was the month Prudence had committed suicide. These entries were the most disturbing ones, especially the ones written in the middle and end of the month.

November 19, 2015

Dear Amore,

Today I went to the park with Joshik, when Sara Moscow walked up to us and made me get away from him. Get away?! From Joshik Gjoni?! My best friend?! Pff, where did she even come from? Then she kissed Joshik in the neck, and he told me she was his girlfriend. I am extremely angry right now, so angry I would murder the whole city. Joshik is my best friend, Sara is my biggest enemy. I hate her. I have family problems, plus problems with her that no one would fix. I believe if Joshik knew what she did to me, he wouldn't have been going out with her. But there's no turning back now since they have probably been together for a few months. I still wonder why Joshik hasn't told me about his relationship. I hope Sara one day will drink poison by mistake and perish to hell.

Love, Prudence.


Robin began to shiver as he read. Did Prudence really kill Sara?!! Did he make love with a murderer?

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