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"the things i've seen have caused my tears to stop flowing foward, though instead, they swarm back towards my past."

Letters To Jin and JungkookPresent Day

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Letters To Jin and Jungkook
Present Day



'The things we create are the things we destroy', is something I like to say. Especially to Joon, well, when he's not around.

I know you all left only a little while ago, but I don't give a damn. I miss you.

Ever since I met that little boy all those years ago, I knew that we'd be great friends and that I wanted to protect you somehow, you were barely even ten years old.

I knew how you felt when Yoona and Jihoo passed, and I'm sorry you had to go through that, when you were so young.

Christmas is rolling around in a while, is there anything special you'd like this year? Maybe a souvenir from Earth?

I'm hanging out with Jimin this week for his birthday, and I'm trusting you to not tell the others, Kook.

I think you two would get along well, you have a lot in common. You're both weird and it's adorable. . .

But I just wanted to let you know that I love you, Kookie, and that I'll see you soon.

I miss you a lot, though.

Oh! I forgot to ask, if I ever went down the sewers with Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, and Yoongi, what would happen?

Sorry, it was just a dream I had. (i also met pennywise down there in the dream, help)

I think I'll go now, and tell Yoongi to call me later, okay?

Much love,

Seokjin oppa,

You hate it when I call you that. But I hate when you call me dongsaeng, so, I guess we're even.

Over the years, I have to say we've gotten closer.

But along the way we've drifted apart from one another, that it worries me if I'll ever lose you.

This is sappy and stuff, but I want to know all five of you forever. Well, if forever is a long time, then yes, forever.

My cooking had been getting better these days, and Jimin even showed me how to boil pasta from the box. . .

But I'm trying.

He's been a big help lately, and I'm really grateful. And every time we're closer, it's like my. . . whatever for him, grows stronger.

I like him a lot, and sometimes, he has a heart bigger than he should have. He's always smiling at me and checking on me, and asking if I've eaten or slept.

And he always has a way to make me laugh, even if I don't want to.

Jin, I think I'm falling hard for him. But I don't know what to do if he doesn't feel the same way.

H e l p.

You're lucky I'm even talking to you about this! I would have gone to Taehyung or Jungkook, but you're the first one I told, so it's only fair.

Tell me what you think.

Don't push yourself too hard about work, and I'll see you soon, alright?

Much love,


I'm sorry I haven't updated! I didn't have service the whole trip :(
Again, sorry ❤

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