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"you know what i see? i see something beautiful, but she can't believe it, because it's never been told."


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"Hurry inside, it's cold!" I laughed, pulling Jimin from the doorway and closing the door behind us.

I shivered slightly, as the cold air blew through the living room, and it made me confused of why Jimin was only wearing a hoodie with a beanie on his head, nose pink, cheeks cold, but a smile on his face.

He looked around, nose sniffing before he smiled brightly. "You made hot chocolate!" I nodded, going into the kitchen as he shuffled after me, putting his palms on his cheeks as though trying to warm them up himself.

"Aren't you cold?" I opened my arms, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively, causing him to laugh and collapse into my arms in a welcoming hug.

We shifted on our feet for a moment, as he rested his slightly cool cheek against mine briefly, before quickly pecking my collarbone with a kiss.

In a friendly way, of course.

He pulled back, biting his lip, a blushing mess. The pink shade on his cheeks were pale yet there; it was adorable.

I felt my face heat up, causing me to turn away quickly from his view, as Jimin only giggled quietly at the both of us.

"So," I dragged out the word, sliding across the kitchen floor in the cotton socks my feet wore, rushing to get mugs for the two of us. "What have you been up to this week?"

He shook his head, glancing at my feet. "You're so cute,"

"Am not. Now answer my question!" I raised my eyebrows, setting a Batman mug down in front of him before he spoke,

"Nothing really. I visited my brother, the one I told you about, on Wednesday. We had fun, but I miss him already," He gave me a thinㅡlipped smile, making me frown a little.

"That's good you got to see him sometime during Christmas,"

He nodded, sipping the warm beverage slowly. "Hm. I haven't seen Batman in a while. Tell me, Grey, how has your day been today?" He grabbed a nearest straw, pointing it at me, trying to cover his laughs.

"It's been well, thank you for asking, Jimin. In fact, a little better with you hereㅡ"

"A little? I'm hurt." He let his lip quiver out, before falling into a giggling fit along with me.


Time seemed to fly by faster than before, and as we sat down on the couch, covered in blankets from the fail of us trying to build a fort, we didn't really care about how much time passed.

"I think you'll like your present,"

"Oooh~ What is it!"

"Sunshine, I can't tell you." The boy laughed, poking my cheek in the process.

I nodded a little, averting my eyes to the television as the classic movie played.

"Y'know, 'Singin' In The Rain' was a big hit in the 1950's. I guess I only like it because of all the singing and dancing, but it's a good movie."

Jimin turned his head to look at me. "I like it too. Mostly because, Don and Lina are always cast, but when Lina can't sing, and Kathy records her voice for her. . . Actually, I don't know where I'm going with this, but I still like it!"

It suddenly reminded me of an incident in my real life.

About a month after Jihoon and Yoona passed away a few years ago, Jungkook was asked to take charge of a High Council meeting.

I was there, and when he could barely even open his strained voice to speak, it broke my heart. He had turned to Tae, burying his head into the older's shoulder and crying silently.

Suddenly, we had heard Jin's voice.

He spoke with a straight face about the citizens and such, whispering to Taehyung for them to come sit with me and Yoongi.

It had always dawned on me on how Seokjin gained the courage to do that.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, my focus came back. "Grey? Sorry. . . You just zoned out,"

I blinked rapidly. "Yeah, sorry, I try not to get so distracted easily."

"It's fine, it's another thing someone can admire about you."

I looked up quickly, "What?"

"The way you think. Your thoughts must be so mystical for yourself to get lost in them, and I think that's a trait that someone should admire."

I couldn't contain my smile, hiding my face with the cuff of my sleeve and only wondering,

Park Jimin, what are you doing to me?


766 words of utter trash lmao

But honestly, I loved writing this chapter, it was adorable.

Also be prepared to be spammed by my updates :)

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