When I First...

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I remember when I first got this app a few years back I read everything and anything I could get my hands on. How crazy is it that we can read books for FREE?!

It blew my mind and I was hooked. Fast-foreword a few months and I decided to try out the writing side of Wattpad. I thought it would be fun and I'd have millions of readers in no time! That was not the case, nor has it ever been.

Yet as I wrote my first story online I found that I had a few reads. Humans were actually reading my words! I happily kept writing unknowingly creating a story that had no real substance. Nothing at all.

In not knowing who I was as a writer I lost myself in other stories. I wrote just like everyone else did. I used things like *note the sarcasm* rather than italics to show the use of sarcasm. I wrote character description like a grocery check list rather than weaving it into the story. I wrote because it was fun to make up stories and not because I was driven insane by the characters and plot.

I've changed as a writer as well as a person. I've improved. That's what's important, I've learned from past mistakes in writing and in life. It seems in both situations I learned them the hard way and that's okay. That is a part of life and I'm okay with that.

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyWhere stories live. Discover now