9:25PM (Wednesday)

11 1 0

There's a million things that I dislike about myself.

How uptight I am, my weight, my appearance, over think everything, worrier, my nose, my hair color and length, my height, How I speak, carelessness, need to cling to people, fears, my thoughts, rudeness, my teeth, my smile, my cliff chin, my face, my lack of strength (physical and mental), my inability to say no, push over, talk too much...

The list goes on and on. There's a lot of things I don't like/hate about myself. I fucking hate that fact, I hate the fact that all we see is our flaws. It is nowhere near correct. I once told someone who was worrying about a art project she had created, "The artist might see the flaws, but the observer only sees a master piece".

I believe that much to be true. Don't believe the lies told by others, especially not the ones in your own head! As I've said before, I've been through hell and (barely) back myself. I'm here to help you. I promise I won't judge or rat you out to someone. I'm here to listen. I'll be a temporary light source for you (if it's needed).

I promise, just PM me.

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