10:53pm (sunday)

8 0 0

I flinch and stutter around my father. I hate that I do! It makes me feel so fucking weak!

I blame myself for not standing up to him. I've blamed myself for years because I've never been able to stand against him. Instead my eyes are casted downwards as I stand motionless, as if I can't hear the yelling or the horrible words that are spoken. Tears slide down my face as I listen.

Why am I so fucking weak?

When I was self-harming and close to death my father had grabbed me when he saw my cuts. His grip iron tight I struggled to get away. He said two things to me that day, "those better not be what I think they are" and "don't do anything stupid". That was it.

Basically he told me not to kill myself or do anything "stupid". I honestly believe because he knew it would turn our fucked up family on their heads, it would ruin them...

So I have plenty of reasons to hate him... and myself.

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