3:13 PM (Wednesday)

14 0 0

I'm a fucking pathetic coward! I didn't tell him today. What's wrong with me????

There's absolutely no reason for me to let him stay in my life, yet I can't seem to grow enough of a backbone to get rid of him. How pathetic is that...? Instead of telling him off I ignored him.

When he said, "You really are dead."

I replied with, "Yes I am."

I listened to music the entire time he walked me to my class (which he knows that I don't like) and said very little to him. I makes so many comments like he knows me so well and I hate it. All he knows about are a few simple facts (name, age, and that I listen to rock and metal music) and that doesn't give him the right to make comments like that.

I have a feeling that this is all going to end soon. The whole situation with Logan will be over soon... or so I hope. I know it won't change if I don't do anything about it. So here I go.

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