6:38 PM (Sunday)

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I'm currently re-reading the first draft of my book and it is so boring!! Holy crap I don't understand how anyone could read this and find it decent!! 

This book I write of is published on Wattpad, but it's under a different account name. I'm not writing the name down on here because I don't see it as worthy of any eyes but my own. Even then... I suppose it's a good thing I waited three months before editing it. 

I can already tell just by reading the first twenty pages that this is going to be a long (but worth it) project. I've been working on this book for seven months now (I'm not sure if that number is right) and I've realized just how much work goes into writing a well-rounded story. Regardless of if it will sell or not. I love writing and I think I always will. 

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