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"Suddenly I can't breathe.
No matter how hard I try it seems as though an unseen force is constricting my air flow.

Suddenly I can't feel.
Something alien has crept inside and made a home between the left and right side of my brain.

Suddenly I can't see.
Only darkness-one of my greatest fears-has become all I can see.

Suddenly I can't hear.
The noise of the world is blocked by someone's large hands.

Suddenly I don't breathe.
The air stills in my lungs like frost over a once beautiful flower.

Suddenly I won't see. The horrors of what I've done to myself and the negative effects it's caused on others are too great to stare in the face.

Suddenly I-"

The noise from my window stops me mid-sentence, the creaking as loud as a freight train and just as terrifying.

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