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Why is everything falling apart around me?

Why do I have to live under his judgmental gaze?

Why can't I be who I really am without being criticized?

Why must you bash on my music?

Why can't you understand that my music kept me alive when nothing else could?

Why won't you accept the fact that I'm forever going to live with this illness?

Why do you think it can be cured when it can't?

Why can't you understand that it's called Chronic Depression for a reason?

Why can't you stay with me?

Why must everyone I care about leave me?

Why did you abandoned me?

Why did you cheat on me?

Why am I lost?

Why can't I easily trust?

Why can't I feel loved?

Why don't I feel safe in this house?

Why can't you two divorce already?

Why can't you see he's a toxic person?

Why am I still breathing?

Why didn't I die last May?

Why doesn't anyone care enough to ask if I'm okay?

Why is my skin scared?

Why do I hate myself?

Why does the sun still rise in that fucking sky every day?

Why can't he leave our lives for good?

Why must tears run down my face again?

Why am I so fucking weak?

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyWhere stories live. Discover now