Chapter 9- Nameless Girl

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The first thing I noticed was the bright light, and how I managed to pour through my closed eyelids. I scrunched my eyes together and that’s when I felt the massive migraine. I reached up and pressed my fingers to my temples and pushed down hard to relieve the pressure. I moaned a little bit and snuggled down deeper into the comfy couch I was in.

“Is she alright? Why hasn’t she woken up yet?”

“I don’t know!”

“Jesus, Niall! You’re making all the girls pass out! That’s my job!”

“Is she going to be okay? Did I kill her?!”

Where was I? The last I could remember, I was at the One Direction concert and had to go outside…

My eyes flashed open and I quickly sat up, butting heads with someone who was leaning over me. I glanced around at the room; there were five boys, all looking quite tired and worried.

Five boys. Five well dressed boys. Five well dressed, beautiful boys. That could only mean one of two things.

One- I was dreaming.

Or two- I died from heart failure in the alley and was now in heaven.

There was a cough and I blinked, realizing that I had been staring at them nonstop. This was very, very real. I thought back to my plans and tried to remember how I had planned this out. But it all went out the window when he spoke- that tall, blond haired, blue eyed Irish man that found me in the alley.

“You alright, love?”

I didn’t answer, avoiding eye contact. I stared down at my dress and my breath stopped.

No. This was not happening. This could not happen. Not this way. Not now.

In a panic, I jumped up from the couch. I gave one last glance at the boys as I sprinted out of the room and into an empty hallway. I could hear them yelling after me, asking if I was alright, but I ignored them and sprinted down the hall.

Why?! Why was this happening? This was not how I had imagined our meeting. Like all fans, I wanted them to lay their eyes on me as I calmly and gracefully walked towards them, falling in love instantly. I wanted them to think of me and say “remember when we saw that one girl in London. Yeah, the amazingly beautiful one.” But now it was all ruined, and now I was “the girl who passed out in the alley behind the concert and they felt sorry for.”

Was I being dramatic? Hell yes!

But this was One Direction, the boys I dreamed about. I wanted them to love me as much as I loved them. And it was all ruined.

I made random turns, weaving through labyrinth that I assumed was backstage. The walls and floors were grey, and I had no idea if I was getting out of the building, or further inside.

I slowed down, tears blurring my vision. The way they looked at me- was it worry or pity? Had Niall taken me from the alley out of concern or had someone forced him? All the dreams I had of meeting them were wiped away and I was left with the five seconds where I got up from the couch and ran.

I found myself at a dead end, so leaned against the wall and slid down, letting myself thump down on the floor. I curled my legs up and rested my head on my knees. I massaged my temples and caught myself humming Once Upon A December again. I soothed myself with the relaxing tune and slowed my heart rate down. I stopped humming and listened to the empty hallways around me, hoping that no one would stumble across my tear-stained body.



I stepped out into the alleyway, getting some fresh air as I did before every show. Louis and Harry still tease me about my claustrophobia, but I’ve learned to ignore them. I grabbed an empty box from outside and stuck it in the door so that I wasn’t locked outside.

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