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"Remember not to-"

"Yeah yeah yeah... " You say with an eye roll before dictating the list of things that you're sure your brother is about to say as he drives you back home.

"Remember not to trust anyone in school. Stay away from boys. Always check if someone is following me home. I get Jae" you say with a small smile.

"I taught you well" he says with a chuckle, ruffling your hair.

He parks the car in front of your home but before you get out he says that he's going to be staying over at the base for the night.

"I still need to help Taeyong with some files and look for information on that rookie gang that thought that it was a good idea to shoot him in the leg" Jaehyun explains when you arch a brow at him.

"Well, have a safe trip back!"

And with that ending statement, you get out of the car and head to your doorstep.

When you're in front of the door to your house, you wave goodbye to your brother who's waiting for you to get inside. Then, you head in.


Mark was seated, feet resting on the edge if his desk, papers in his hands as he rechecked a deal that he had just made when his phone suddenly rang. He accepted the call and put it on speaker.

"Mark, she just got in" A low and raspy voice says through the phone.

"Did you really see her leave Taeyong's place?" He asks, pausing for a moment as he waited for a reply.


"Do you know what she might've done in there?"

"Jungwoo said that Taeyong was injured. She probably went there to patch him up" The voice says, sounding unsure.

Mark just hums in reply before saying

"Okay. Well... don't forget tomorrow's mission"

"Yup. Got it"

And with that, Mark ends the call.

"Well, this is going to be interesting"

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