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You groan in pain as you try to sit up before giving up and deciding to just stretch and roll around the bed.

The familiar scent of the sheets makes your eyes go wide and you immediately sit up, noticing the all too familiar room.

Honestly, all you could do was sigh.

"Why the fuck am I here?" You mutter in an annoyed tone.

"You're here because I brought you here"

You wished that this was just some bad nightmare and that you'd wake up any second but his voice just sounded too real.

You slowly turn to the side, already expecting to see his stern gaze on you. Although what you see makes your mind go blank. 

When you turn to face the source of the voice, you see Taeyong's bare back facing you as he looks through his closet for a shirt and coat to wear.

You blink a few times at his figure.

Despite seeing him shirtless countless of times, you still couldn't help but do a double take every time you saw him.

You glance at the pants he's wearing before saying "Your blue and red checkered coat and black polo look good with your pants"

He looks for the clothes that you mention before muttering a little thank you and putting them on.

"So what the fuck happened to me?" You ask, staring at him with expecting eyes.

"What do you remember?" Is all Taeyong replies as  he puts the shirt on

You groan in annoyance at his reply. Why did he always have to try to act all cool. "Just answer the question Taeyong"

"Whatever you remember is the answer to your question"

You roll your eyes and sigh. You really weren't in the mood to put up with all of Taeyong's shit right now.

As you glare at him, you notice how to collar of his polo isn't folded right so you get up and walk over to him to fix the fold, also fixing the coat already and running your hands over his chest, 'ironing' the outfit a bit before taking a step back to check if it looks okay already.

When you look at up, you frown at Taeyong's bed  head and walk over to one of his drawers. When you don't find what you're looking for, you furrow your brows.

"I moved the wax to the drawer on the left" Taeyong says. And the whole time, he couldn't help but have an amused smirk across his face at how cute you were being.

When you and Taeyong were still together, you always helped him fix up in the morning even if you were half asleep and Taeyong always found it really cute.

Despite breaking up, it seemed to so automatic to you to help him fix up.
As you styled his hair, Taeyong looked at you with longing eyes which you failed to notice.

He suddenly felt dazed at how close you were to him as you ran your fingers through his locks and it took all of his self control not to kiss you then and there.

"I miss it when you do this"

He mutters, voicing his thoughts out.

"You mean what? Cuddling all night, staying at your place until the next day, picking your outfits for you, fixing your hair then getting scolded by Jaehyun when I get home?" You ask with a brow arched as you back away to admire your work.

"All of above except for the last part" He says with a chuckle.

And you hate to admit it but boy did his laughter make your heart melt every time.

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