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A/N: I suck at writing actions scenes so please bear with me pt.2


As you were dragged out of the room, your initial thoughts were to get out of the guy's grip. Despite him getting you out of the room, you weren't sure who you could trust at this point so you grab his pinky finger and bend it backwards.

The rest of his body seems to follow the direction of where you were bending the digit so that it wouldn't break and when you finally get out if his grip and turn to face him, you realize that it's just Yukhei.

You stare at the guy with wide eyes. For some reason, the sound of chaos was muted in your head as you stared at his brown orbs.

"You just shot your gang memb-"

A loud thump stops you mid sentence and you and Yukhei search for the noise and find two guys who just tackled each other from the staircase up to the wall of the second floor.

Just then, the door of Mark's office was busted open and you glance at that direction to see Donghyuck coming out with a gun pointed straight at Yukhei.

"YUKHEI DUCK!" You rush over and tackle Yukhei to the ground just as Donghyuck fires a bullet. Yukhei stared at Donghyuck from upside down for a split second before grabbing his gun and aiming it at the guy.

Just then Donghyuck aims as well. The two fire at the same time but before any of them could get shot, Donghyuck easily dodges it while Yukhei holds you by the shoulders and rolls to side before kneeling and firing another shot Donghyuck before the latter could react.

Face buried in Yukhei's chest as he held you close, all you could do was close your eyes as you heard the sound of gunshots throughout the base.

Either the silence was back or the deafening sounds of the shooting had creating a high pitch ringing sound in your ears but as your hearing weakened, your other senses enhanced and you swore that you could feel Yukhei shaking as he took heavy breaths.

"Sorry Haechan" You hear him mutter, sorrow laced in his voice.

You pull away from Yukhei to see Donghyuck clutching his shoulder, his gun long forgotten on the ground.

You looked up to see Yukhei's unsteady eyes. You know that expression. Its guilt. You've seen that same look in Taeyong's face thousands of times.

And despite seeing it often, your heart still can't help but hurt every time you see that expression.

"Get the fuck off me!" You hear someone scream. You and Yukhei glance at the other side of the hallway to see the two guys who were having a fist fight getting even more bloody by the second.

But you could recognize that voice anywhere. "JOHNNY!"

Adrenaline rushes through you and you quickly head over there to help your friend who seemed to be losing at the moment.

Out of impulse, you kick the guy who was on top of Johnny and he rolls of the latter, clutching the side that you hit.

You immediately kneel in front of Johnny, hands shaking as you rack your brain up for ideas on how to help the guy.

"Holy Shit I don't know what to-"

"-Ah fuck" You hear Johnny's opponent mutter, cutting you off and as he gets up, he looks at you with a crooked smile.

"That was a pretty strong kick"

Your face drops when you meet eyes with one of the best hand to hand combat men.

"How the fuck did you last long against this guy" You mutter under your breath. "Fuck you y/n. I'm a pretty strong... fighter to you know!" Johnny tries to protest although he could barely speak at this point, body and face aching from the pain.

"I can't hurt you cause you're what Mark's trying to keep safe so..." Taeil trails off before slowly approaching you. His overwhelming presence seems to keep you in place because despite your mind telling you to get up and run, your legs seem to go weak.

You glance at Johnny and grab a knife that seemed to be tucked by his boot. Taeil simply chuckles at your action, just a few steps away from you.

Bang !

Taeil steps back out of reflex as a bullet hits the wooden floor in front of him. More bullets are wasted and each shot seems to be getting closer to Taeil's feet, making him step back.

When the bullets stop he looks up to see Yukhei who's arm was stretched out, a gun in his hand.

"I suggest you don't move if still want your legs to be intact" Yukhei's voice sent shivers down your spine. Yes, he had a threatening side but you've never felt such a strong aura from him before.

Taeil scoffs but slowly puts his hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

"Aren't you in our team?"

"I guess I'm not" And with that statement, Yukhei pulls you up once again.

You practically looked like a baby learning how to take her first steps because your legs felt like jelly.

Realizing how zoned out you were at this point, Yukhei carries you over his shoulder to quicken your pace and heads towards the staircase. “LET GO OF ME! YUKHEI FUCK YOU! LET ME G-”

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

Yukhei fires at some people who seemed to be going up the staircase. He had no intentions of killing anyone. He simply shot them to stop them from shooting him but he never gave  critical wounds to anyone.

As he rushes down the staircase you get a small glimpse of the people he shot and the chaos happening downstairs.

“Fuck” You mutter.

The entrance was busted open, windows were broken and people used flipped furniture as covers while trying to shoot the other party. There were people lying on the floor, either injured or dead and among those bodies were a few familiar faces which made you feel as though your chest was tightening up.

You bit your bottom lip as you held back tears and covered your mouth to avoid barfing from the putrid smell of metal and gun powder.


Jaehyun's eyes glued to the staircase as he watched Yukhei run down with someone on his shoulder.

He lifted his gun and aimed at the guy, taking a deep breath before pulling the trigger.

Bang !

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