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"So... who's this Yukhei guy?"

As soon as the words leave Jaehyun's lips, you put down your phone and glare at Doyoung who stopped what he was doing to glance at what was happening.

Right now you found yourself at Taeyong's base again, laying on the couch, eyes previously on your phone as your brother sat beside you, eyes on his phone as well.

Rather than a typical base that was like some office or abandoned building, Taeyong's base was more of an old Victorian era house of a wealthy family that had some giant ass main entrance with a big chandelier on top, a grand dining room and kitchen to the left and a living room to the right which was now turned into some lounge area with a few computers and shelves filled with files. The house also had that grand staircase in the middle wherein both ends would lead to this giant door which was his office.

"He's just a new friend Jae" You mutter, still glaring at Doyoung who just shrugged his shoulders before turning his back on you to face the computer and resume working.

"What a bitch" You mutter under your breath, rolling your eyes at him before grabbing your phone and reading the article you abandoned earlier.

"Well I don't trust him" Jaehyun mutters, putting down his phone and grabbing yours. "YAH! JAEHYU-" You screamed as he got your phone, stopping mid-sentence when you saw the serious look on his face.

You sigh, holding your brother's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry, me neither" you reply with a small smile, trying to show him that you got everything under control.


You and your brother look for the source of the voice to see Taeyong leaning from the top of the staircase.

"Good? What are you, a jealous boyfriend?" You ask Taeyong with a snort as he walks down the staircase and towards you.

Doyoung, once again, stops his work to look at the scene that's unfolding, giving a shocked yet amused reaction from what you said.

"Ohhh... You really got burned-"

"Quit it Doyoung!" Taeyong says with a sigh. "Anyway, what information do you have on him?"

"Oh my God! You are acting like jealous boyfriend" You mutter, rolling your eyes at Taeyong.

"y/n. I've seen the guy somewhere before. He's dangerous and can't be trusted" Taeyong says, defending his actions. You shoot him this 'are you serious?!' look before sighing.

"Fine. Check his information! Doyoung what does it-"

"There's no information on him" Doyoung mutters with wide eyes still staring at his computer screen, cutting you off.


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