Epilogue pt. 1

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"So what's going to happen to you now" Chenle mutters as the three of you sit in his living room. It had been a few hours since the whole incident and no one had spoken a word since then although Chenle knew that it was time to end the silence.

The ringing sound never left your ears until you reached Chenle's home. For some reason, the big, empty house seemed even bigger as you sat down, staring blankly at the wall in front of you.

You could still hear the fading sounds of the police cars sirens and gunshots being fired all around.

Chenle's words don't really process as images of what had just happened flash in your head.

You swore your heart stopped at the sight of Jaemin's body on the ground.

Chenle's eyes go wide when he sees tears start to fall dowm from your eyes like a waterfall. Your breathing starts to become uneven so Chenle rushes to your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and rubbing small circles at the back of the palm of your hand with his free one.

Once you've calmed down, Chenle gets up, still holding you by the hand as he says "I'll take you to the guest room first so that you could rest"

He gently holds your arm, trying to pull you up. But you don't budge and grip his arm tighter.

"Wait... don't- I don't wanna be alone" you mutter as you start to snap back to your senses.

"I have an idea!" Jaemin suddenly says, clapping his hands together to get both of your attention.

Your eyes go wide and you stare at the boy in disbelief, slowly getting up and approaching him.

"Are you really..." You trail off, cupping his cheeks with your hands and when you feel the warmth in them, you cry.

You sob and just cry your heart out.
Jaemin stares at you with wide eyes before awkwardly wrapping his arms around you and whispering words of comfort.

"Why don't we have a sleepover! Let's make a fort out of pillows and blankets and eat ice cream and smores til we pass out" Jaemin says with a small smile once you've calmed down once again, trying to lighten the mood.

You were still in his arms as you didn't want to let go.

If Jaemin would be honest, he's still really shocked himself. But he's never seen you this broken and as your friend it pains him to see you this sad, so he decided to man up and try to lighten the mood for everyone.

Chenle immediately gets the idea and plays along. "Excuse me but this is my house!" He screams in protest.

"Its technically mine and y/n's as well cause we're your bestfriends"

"Jaemin that literally makes no sense" You suddenly say with a small half-hearted chuckle. None of what was happening at the moment made any sense but you didn't care at this point.

If this was a dream, then you never wanted to wake up.

"And she lives!" Jaemin says with a smile. "Now lets go make smores and act like 14 year olds all over again."

You sniffle a bit, trying your best not to get snot on Jaemin's shirt as you pull away.

Your face drops and you scream, stepping away from him when you do so because when you pulled away you were met with a hollow body. Jaemin's eyes were gone and blood started to pour out from his mouth as his white shirt started to turn blood red.

"What's wrong y/n?" Jaemin's voice had morffed into something horrible and as he got up, his body started to decompose.

"y/n?" Jaemin asked, tilting his head to the side. You tried your best not to barf at the sight before as you took steps back.

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