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Right now you found yourself seated in the dining room, elbows on the table, face in your hands as you rubbed tears of frustration away while Taeyong was leaning against the counter.

The sun was starting to rise  by the time Taeyong had finished his explanation on how your brother ended up like that, how he knew you, since when he found out about you and all of the little details in between.

You take a deep breath before chugging down the rest of the water in your already half empty glass as you try to clear your thoughts.

You tried so hard not to snap at Taeyong but as you tried to collect your thoughts a part of you just lost it, all of your self control going out the window.

"So you're telling me...that my brother... is a part of your 'LITTLE GANG'? And that you SENT HIM TO DEAL WITH SOME SHADY PEOPLE... ALONE?!" You scream at Taeyong, pushing your chair back and slamming your fists on the table as you glare at Taeyong.

The said guy just nods his head as he stared at the ground, ashamed by his actions.

"It was a mistake...I'm sorry"

"YEAH...NO SHIT SHERLOCK! A MISTAKE?!" You scream, heading over to Taeyong and grabbing him by the collar, looking him right in the eyes.

"MY BROTHER COULDVE DIED TAEYONG! MY ONLY FUCKING... FAMILY COULDVE DIED...  BECAUSE OF..." The words seemed stuck in your throat as tears started to blur your vision but you forced yourself to finish what you were saying, screaming through gritted teeth.

"...OF YOUR...FUCKING MISTAKE!" you didn't care if your voice cracked at this point because anger completely consumed you.

Maybe it was fear?

You honestly didn't know but your little outburst ends up as a staring contest with Taeyong before you slowly let go of the collar of his shirt and step back.

Taeyong sees how hard you're trying ro hold tears back and seeing you this messed up upset him. And he hated himself so much for being the reason why you were like this right now.

So he did the only thing he could think of, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, your head buried in his chest.

"I'm sorry...I should've been more careful...I-" The gentleness and guilt in his voice as  he strokes your head makes your heart go weak and that took away the last bit of your strength.

With resulted to you crying your heart out to the guy as he hugged  you tighter.
You apologize for screaming at him, you tell him all of your fears of losing your only family left, you thank him for saving you and your brother. You thank him for defending you in the bus. You get mad at him once again.

You just literally pour your heart out.

And you felt so vulnerable and safe at the same time with Taeyong and it scared you because you never opened up to anyone, even your own brother.

"Well from now on, I'm always here to listen"


Jaehyun's eyes shot open as he suddenly sat up, taking heavy breaths as if he had woken up from a nightmare.

The sudden action makes his head hurt and he groans in pain when he feels the cut sting.

Jaehyun cursed at himself as he remembered yesterday's events. When he realized his surroundings, he wondered how the heck he got back home and used all of his will power to get out of bed and look for you.

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