Chapter V

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Jimin ran to his next class, the directions to which Nayeon had already given him. Yet he still somehow managed to lose himself and barely made it to his history class before the teacher closed the door.

"How nice of you to join us young Mr. Park." The teacher said in an annoying nasally voice.

He just HATED history.

Jimin ignored the smirk on Jungkook's face and quietly made his way to the back of the class. The afternoon went a lot worse than the morning, because now Jimin didn't have Nayeon to keep him company through the torturously long classes. Jungkook looked quite on his nerves when he realised that Jimin shared all his classes with him. Jimin, too, wasn't in a very good state. He didn't know just why Jungkook wouldn't agree to tutor him, actually he knew, but even so in Jimin's opinions he was being too stubborn. Jimin glanced at the clock that was above the class board where currently their english language teacher was writing something. Three more minutes, three more minutes till the bell rings. Three more minutes and Jimin would have officially survived his first day of college. Jimin sighed in content, anticipating the end of the last class for the day. The bell finally rang and Jimin couldn't thank the heavens enough for it. Jimin immediately shot up from his seat, ready to catch up with Jungkook this time without missing him, when he heard the voice of the same person he was thinking about over the rustling of papers and sounds of chairs scraping against the floor.

"Sir, don't we have any homework for today ?"

Instantly, the class groaned and Jimin joined them. All eyes were locked onto the back of Jungkook's head who had oh so blatantly reminded the teacher about homework.

"Oh yes, thank you for reminding me Jungkook. Class, read the entire chapter 7 and complete the questions at the end of the chapter. I will be checking them personally next class." the teacher instructed from behind the desk.

After that Jungkook walked to the teacher and was having a long chat with her. Even after ten minutes had passed he was still inside talking about god knows what. Jimin was, not so patiently, waiting outside the class for the boy to come out so that he could pester him until he gave up and agreed. However, just at that time, mother nature decided to pay Jimin a visit and he had a strong urge to use the restroom. Not putting much of a thought to it, Jimin ran towards where the restrooms were, thankfully he knew where they were, and got into one of the cubicles to do his job. After he was done with his business, Jimin washed his hands and exited the restrooms going back to the class only to find it empty.

'That sneaky bastard.' Jimin thought. Obviously, this was Jungkook's trick to avoid him. Now if Jimin had more time, he wouldn't have bothered to look for him, but unfortunately, he had to do it today at any costs. He didn't think Mr. Choi would be kind enough to give him an other day's extension. And then he would have to sacrifice his weekends, forever. No ! Jimin was not going to let that happen. Not at any cost. He asked a few students, who were lingering around the corridors, for help and got the directions to the library. Jin and Namjoon hyung's classes had ended an hour ago and Jimin had asked Jin to not wait for him since he would be late anyways. After minutes of searching, Jimin finally located the library and the so called 'room' that Jungkook was supposed to be in. Jimin knocked on the door tentatively half expecting a monster to come out. The library was exceptionally quiet and a few people stared at Jimin angrily for causing a commotion. Jimin cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment. 'Really, what the hell were they thinking when they gave him this room.'

Jimin turned the knob, but as expected, it was locked. So, Jimin made himself comfortable on one of the chairs just outside the room and leaned against it. It was going to be a long wait, because either Jungkook was in there and not answering the door or he was elsewhere and hadn't come there yet. No matter what, Jimin was going to be right there to greet him. So Jimin waited. And waited. And after what seemed like ages, there was a tap on his shoulders. Jimin turned around to find Nayeon looking at him with a neutral expression.

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