Chapter VII

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When Monday came, Jimin walked into his first class, which was biology. He took his seat at the back and saw Jungkook sitting right at the front, in his usual seat. After some time, Kai entered and flopped down right besides him and Jimin seriously wanted to groan out loud. He was still a bit mad at Kai for abandoning him at the party last night.

"How are you this morning princess ?"

"Beautiful and pissed off on a certain someone who asked me to accompany him yesterday and then ditched me to hook up with someone else."

"Aw, someone seems jealous. Did you want to be the one I hooked up with last night ?" he bobbed his eyebrows playfully.

"You wish."

"Ah, sad. I'm sorry. I got a bit too drunk and things just went out of control pretty fast."

"I don't care."

"Alright, alright. Will I be forgiven if I treat you with a nice big tub of ice cream ?"

"Make it 2 and I might think about it."

"Fine. Am I forgiven now ?"

"I said I'll think about it."

"You're too harsh." he pouted and Jimin couldn't help but giggle.

"Hey, how about you sit with my friends and I at lunch today ?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll have to ask Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung first though."

"Alright cool."

After two other classes, Jimin went to the cafeteria with his lunch in his hands and met up with Jin and Namjoon hyung and excused himself to join Kai. Also, there was something definitely going on between both his hyungs and he figured something good was on its way. Jimin walked around and finally spotted Kai, who noticed Jimin and smiled. He scooted over to make room for him and Jimin sat down between him and another boy. There were a couple of girls at the table too.

"Hey, name is Jimin." Jimin introduced himself.

"Hey." they all said.

"Is your hair naturally like that ?" a brunette girl asked.

"Um... yes. But I dyed it." Jimin replied.

"Oh, why?"

"Because it was pink before I joined here and I figured it wouldn't be appropriate for college and all, so yeah. I'm considering dying it back though."

"Oh, so black is your original hair colour."


"I like black. You look hot in it by the way." Kai said.

"So, Jimin, how do you like the college so far ? I'm Jihoo by the way."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I like it here. It's definitely not what I'm used to, but it's interesting." Jimin shrugged.

"Oh, so it's true then, you were home schooled ?"

"Yeah. So its a bit different for me."

"Are you dating anyone right now ?" one of the guys asked.

"No, I'm not. I'm single." Jimin fake smiled.

"That's cool. Do you have anyone in mind ?" this time it was Kai who was smirking like an idiot.

"Has anyone here caught your interest ?" another girl asked.

"Um... I don't know, maybe." Jimin smirked back at Kai, openly flirting. Two can play the game.

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