Chapter VI

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Mornings suck.

That was the first thought that flashed through Jimin's mind when he woke up to the alarm blaring at exactly 6 am just like it was programmed to.

"No, no, no !" he groaned, his hand searching for the snooze button. Instead, he accidentally knocked the alarm off the bedside table. "Come on !"

"Master Jimin you have to wake up or you will be late for college." Mr. Lee called from outside the door, banging hard on the wood.

Not caring, Jimin put his pillow over his ear and tried to go to sleep again. But, to his dismay, the annoying alarm was still beeping on the ground, even after Mr. Lee left. After a few minutes of trying to get some sleep, Jimin finally threw the pillow across his room, not bothering to see where it landed, and blindly reached down with one hand to try and turn his alarm off. Jimin shifted a little closer to the edge of his king size bed, his legs getting even more tangled in the process, as his hand felt around the ground for the stupid mechanical device. When he touched its cord, he leaned down even further to try and trace it to the alarm itself. Sadly, his plan failed. He was so precariously perched on the edge of the bed that he ended up falling onto the floor along with covers and all. He landed with a hard thud, all of the air in his body whooshing out in a pained moan, the moment his back hit the bedroom floor.

"That hurt !" Jimin grumbled out, squinting his eyes open to stare at the blur ceiling. As he rubbed the sleep off his eyes, he reached over and slammed down on the snooze button, finally getting the annoying alarm to stop. But Jimin's struggles still weren't over as he was still lying on the ground in a mess of blankets and pillows.

"Get off !" Jimin mumbled as if his pillows and blankets could actually understand him, even though they were just inanimate objects. With harsh movements, he pushed off the blue mass of fabric and fluff before standing up. With his eyes half open and hair a mess, Jimin wobbled off to his bathroom and took a quick cold shower. Jimin changed into the outfit he had decided on the night before, he had to look his best today, and walked, ran down to the kitchen. He sat on the kitchen island and gobbled down everything that was kept there.

"Master Jimin, the car is ready."

"Coming !" Jimin said quickly, standing up and grabbing his bag from where he had placed it on the chair besides him.

"Thank you for the breakfast. Bye." Jimin said to the maid and ran outside.

"Have a good day young master Jimin." the woman called after him.

"I will !" Jimin replied back loudly. He was more than cheerful today despite the horrible early morning routine he had just been through.

"You seem excited today young master." Mr. Lee said.

"I am." Jimin replied cheekily.

"Ready to go ?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Once they drove off, Jimin could see the car windows fogging up. It was literally freezing outside. When he reached college, all eyes were already on him. He didn't blame them though, today he was dressed to kill. He ignored the looks and went straight to his locker.

"Good morning Jimin." Nayeon said coming up to him.

"Morning !"

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