Chapter XXIII

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When Jimin woke up the next morning, he found his hand clutching on to someone else's. And when he rubbed his eyes with his free hand to wipe away the sleep, he saw Taemin resting his head on the corner of his bed as he sat on the cold floor. He had most probably slept like that the entire night and Jimin couldn't understand why he would do something like that. He could've easily just pushed away Jimin's hand and leave, but instead he stayed in that uncomfortable position holding Jimin's hand as if telling him, in his own way, that he was here for Jimin.

And that was exactly what pissed Jimin off even more. He didn't want Taemin to be there for him. He shouldn't be doing so much for him. He shouldn't fall for someone like him. Jimin didn't have anything he could give Taemin in return and he didn't want to be the reason for another heartbreak. And so in his irritation, Jimin harshly snatched his hand away from Taemin's hold only to wake him up in the process.

Taemin woke up with a startle, a moment of confusion flashing across his face which was immediately replaced with realisation once he spotted Jimin. They were both still in their last nights' attire the only difference being their completely messed up hair.

"Good morning." Taemin said in hopes of breaking the ice cold silence between them and also to avoid the soul piercing stare Jimin was giving him. "Your mother walked in on us last night but, didn't ask anything when she saw us. I guess she must've made something up in her mind. It's in our benefit anyway, obviously they can't know the truth."

Still nothing.

"You have a funny bed hair. Not so handsome now Park Jimin, are we ?" Taemin let out an awkward laugh.

"Stop all this pretence Taemin. Don't act like you didn't just find out that your husband to-be is in love with somebody else !"

Taemin flinched a little at Jimin's hostile words.

"I first met him when my father forced me to join the university..."

Jimin slowly and and clearly narrated the entire story to Taemin. How he fell in love with Jungkook to how he mercilessly broke his heart for the deal he made with his cold-blooded father.

"But I don't understand Jimin. There has to be another way in which you can make sure Jungkook isn't troubled."

"You think I didn't think about it ? If I tell Jihyun hyung, he would just confront my dad and at the least he could do is stop this marriage. But my father holds power over the company Taemin, he has ties with almost all the influential personalities in the country. Our parents promised each other they would get their kids married, and if we cancel this marriage, my father will not like it. If we do anything against his wish, he would make sure he made Jungkook's life a living hell, doesn't matter if we're married or not. He really cherishes his friendship with uncle Lee and he never breaks his word."

"But then what about Jungkook, why don't you tell him about it ?"

"Tell him ? If I tell Jungkook, he will outright refuse the scholarship altogether. He would agree to live a mediocre life and struggle his ass off all his life, just for me. And even if I become selfish enough to do that, my father told me he would make sure Jungkook had to struggle double the amount. He said he would spread the word of Jungkook being a gold digger who seduced me for my money."

"Then why don't you-"

"TAEMIN; there is no other way. This, me agreeing to the marriage and acting as per my father's wishes, is the only way I can make sure Jungkook is safe from this twisted mess of our society. He's too innocent for all this."

"Even if it means breaking his heart and yours too in the process ?" Taemin asked, calmly taking everything in.

"Yes." Jimin answered, finally being able to take the weight off his shoulder.

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