Chapter XXV

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Jimin called his older brother as soon as he got out of the hospital building and after listening to the whole story, Jihyun asked Jimin to stay where he was.

"Don't worry Jiminah, just wait there I'll ask my driver to come fetch you. Don't call Seokjoong hyung, I'll ask him to come meet me at the office. Meanwhile try to contact Jungkook and see if he was able to get Jin." Jihyun instructed his brother.

Jimin was completely disoriented and wasn't in his right mind. In such a condition, Jimin agreed that his brother did the right thing by asking him to stay where he was until the driver came to fetch him. Things were out of hand anyways at the moment, him falling into even more trouble would just add up to the worrying. Jimin decided to wait in the hospital lobby, reflecting over the entire situation and what Namjoon had said. In all honesty, Jimin didn't think that Namjoon was completely wrong. It's true that he shouldn't have hid his real identity from Jin, but he had his own reasons. He was scared to lose something that he wanted to keep close forever but ultimately what came out of it ?

Jimin knew for sure that both his hyung's loved each other and needed each other to keep themselves sane, but at the same time there was a past between them that neither of them was ready to set aside; or rather couldn't set aside. Unable to take a side, Jimin decided to call Jungkook and see if he was able to get hold of Jin or if the latter was at least safe. Right at that moment, in the lobby, another man similar to Jimin's age, who was visiting there to meet one of his friend, accidentally lost his footing and collided with Jimin whose complete attention was in his phone. After the sudden collision, Jimin too lost his balance and stumbled backwards, unfortunately stepping onto the cleaners broom, losing his stand even more and falling backwards.

Jimin closed his eyes trying to brace himself for the impact, but the boy lurched forwards quickly and scooped an arm around Jimin's waist to stop him from falling on his back. However, his foot too got caught into the broom and both the bodies fell diagonally onto a trolley. The said boy was on top of Jimin and upon feeling the weight, Jimin's eyes opened and locked onto his. Unable to stop the moving trolley as it rolled down the corridor, they both just kept staring at each other, the boy in shock and Jimin in irritation. Finally, after 2 whole minutes of staring into each other's eyes, the trolley came to a halt once it collided with the wall. After all the movements seized, Jimin was the first one to break their eye contact by angrily pushing the boy from top of him.

"I'm so sor-" but before the boy could complete his statement, Jimin slapped him hard across his face.

The said boy's face turned to the other side from the impact of the slap and he looked back at Jimin, with his hand placed on his cheek, in utter disbelief.

"You- How- Why did you slap me !" The boy shouted in exasperation.

"Yes ! Yes I slapped you. So ?" Jimin retorted.

"How dare you !" The boy shouted back.

"How dare you !" Jimin repeated immediately. "Stay away from me or else you will regret it." Jimin warned and turned to walk away.

"Excuse me," the boy followed clearly not impressed by Jimin's behaviour. "For starters you go ahead and slap me, and on top of that you show me this attitude."

"Well for starters you touch me without permission and on top of that now you want to argue with me." Jimin snapped back.

"I did not touch you on purpose."

"But I slapped you on purpose. And if you touch me again, then I'll slap you again. Stay away from me. Understood." Jimin said in an angry voice and turned to leave again.

The boy, who was now angered by such an obnoxious behaviour, tried to stop Jimin by grabbing his arm which was a big mistake because Jimin slapped him again. Once again, the boy's hand flew to touch his now reddening cheek still not able to understand just what the hell was Jimin's problem.

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