Chapter XI

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Jimin rang by the coffee house late in the afternoon the next Saturday after having his breakfast. Today was his first day of work and to say that he was just nervous would be an understatement. Songyi welcomed Jimin with her usual smile and told Jimin that Jungkook would be explaining him pretty much everything about his work. Though Jimin was scared to learn it from Jungkook, he was genuinely excited to be working for the first time. Moments later, Jungkook arrived at the café, surprisingly with a smile on his face, which immediately turned into a frown when he spotted Jimin. He quickly put on his apron and dragged Jimin into the kitchen while Songyi busied herself with some other work.

"What are we going to do in the kitchen ?" Jimin asked.

"We're going to learn how to make triple chocolate cookies." Jungkook simply said.

While the two made their way to the kitchen they were stopped in their way by an old looking lady who was smiling at Jungkook. In Jimin's opinion, she looked like a crazed maniac, with due respect.

"Jungkookah ! It's good to see you, dear. And who is this pretty boy with you ?"

"It's nice to see you too, Imo. This is Park Jimin, my friend from college." Jungkook pulled Jimin forward, introducing him.

"Are you sure the two of you aren't more than that ?" the lady raised an eyebrow at Jungkook suggestively.

Jimin's eyes widened and his cheeks turned beet red. "Yes, imo. A hundred percent sure we're just friends." Jungkook hissed.

"Oh, friend it is then. Never mind, even a friend would do. Me and Songyi were worried you might turn into a loner soon since you never went out with anyone."

Jimin muffled back a laugh, as Jungkook fumed beside him. His arm latched around Jimin's wrist, pulling Jimin towards the kitchen. "Let's go, Jimin." he muttered with embarrassment.

"Have you ever baked before ?" Jungkook asked, as they entered the kitchen area.

Jimin shook his head in a no. "All the maids do the cooking in my house."

"Alright. So, I guess we're starting from scratch."

"Great. So we start making the dough, right ?" Jimin slyly smiled.

"Right." Jungkook muttered, taking a few eggs from the fridge. "Let's start by cracking these."

They cracked the eggs, occasionally getting some shells in the bowl. As Jungkook began to whisk the eggs and add sugar and salt, Jimin was trying to figure out how to open the bag of flour.

"Do you have any scissors there besides you ?" he asked Jungkook, trying to rip open the seal.

Just as Jungkook was about to hand him a pair of scissors, the bag of flour erupted onto Jimin's face. He stared up at Jungkook with disbelief; face entirely covered with white powder. Jungkook bit back a laugh, as he handed Jimin the scissors.

"Still need them ?" Jungkook asked teasingly.

Jimin stood up, as the flour dripped down to his shirt. "You think this is funny ?" he asked, raising a white eyebrow.

Jungkook grinned, and Jimin began to walk closer to him. His smile faded once Jimin began to open his arms out wide. "What are you-" Jungkook started off.

Jimin pulled Jungkook into a bone crushing hug, rubbing his face all over Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook coughed from all the flour, pushing Jimin off. When Jungkook pulled away, he noticed that there was powder all over his hair and clothes. He glared at Jimin, picking up the carton of eggs.

"You're going to regret that, Park." he smirked, tossing an egg in his direction.

The egg landed on Jimin's chest, cracking open. Jimin's face was priceless, as he took some baking powder out from a bowl and tossed it in Jungkook's direction, as the powder covered him entirely. Jungkook glared at him. This meant war. Jimin turned around on his heels, turning to the counter where the bottle of syrup was. He quickly flicked open the lid of the full bottle before turning to Jungkook and squirting the thick syrup down his back. Jungkook instantly jumped in shock and automatically spun around to face Jimin, the expression on his face telling Jimin that he should be running for the hills round about now.

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