Chapter XVII

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It probably wasn't such a great thing that Jimin couldn't fall asleep until well after midnight, going over every small little detail that happened at Chuseok dinner at the orphanage. That, and Jimin didn't get home until late after midnight, too. Thankfully, Mr. Lee, the man who was "supposed" to be "checking in on Jimin" was on a day off with his family, so Jimin knew he wasn't going to get in trouble for breaking curfew. Most of the people guarding Jimin were pretty oblivious to the fact that Jimin usually very easily tricked them. So, all in all, Chuseok this year for Jimin, had been pretty eventful. Apparently, the kiss that unexpectedly happened between Jungkook and him in the kitchen was just the slightest bit of a confidence boost for Jimin in getting Jungkook to accept him.

Who would've thought that was even possible ? And it was safe to say that the kiss was one of the main reasons why Jimin couldn't fall asleep. He was a little angry with himself that it hadn't been his first kiss, but it had more than made up for all the awful ones he'd had the chance to ever go through. When Jimin woke up at five the next morning, he was probably over the moon and completely terrified at the same time. How on Earth was he going to face Jungkook after that more than amazing kiss in the coffee house's kitchen last night ? In all honesty, Jimin was scared. But he had to reason with himself that he had faced worse things before and that this should be no problem at all. Jimin was lying to himself, of course, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to try and believe it anyway.

Jimin ended up driving early to the coffee house as he had to report to work at six thirty that morning. It was just a day after Chuseok, and in Korea, apparently that meant business in the world of coffee or something. The back door to the shop was open when Jimin arrived, and he slipped inside as quietly as he could manage. Jimin didn't expect the children or Songyi to be up and about, and if that were the case, Jimin didn't want to be overly loud and wake them up. Lights were on and blazing in the kitchen as Jimin walked in, shrugging off his coat. There could only be two people up, Sooji or Jungkook, and Jimin was praying that just for a few minutes he would be able to collect himself without Jungkook around.

Jimin was just the slightest bit afraid he was going to have a panic attack. With his luck, however, Jimin should've known that it would be Jungkook who was up, rummaging about in the fridge, as Jimin hung his things up on the coatrack. Jungkook turned around as he swung the fridge door shut and gave Jimin a rather cool, collected look.

"Uh... good morning." Jimin said awkwardly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Morning." Jungkook replied briskly before leaving the kitchen, holding what looked like a box of pastries.

Okay, that wasn't what Jimin was expecting to happen. Things were bound to be awkward between them at first, but Jimin hadn't expected Jungkook to just up and walk away. So far this wasn't turning out so well. Before Jimin could fabricate some ridiculous lie about how he suddenly couldn't work, Jimin slouched his way over to the sink to wash his hands with soap and water. If things were going to be completely awkward with Jungkook, then he might as well throw himself into work and try not to get burned by the coffee maker. Not exactly what Jimin would call a very exciting start to the morning, but it was better than staying home alone, curled up underneath the blankets on his bed and wallowing in self pity.

Sighing exasperatedly, Jimin left the kitchen after pulling on his employee apron, scuffing his feet as he walked out to the front. Jungkook was bent over at the pastry case, carefully arranging rolls, muffins, and any other delectable treat on trays for display. Jimin leaned up against the front counter and crossed his arms over his chest, hoping Jungkook would be the one to break the silence first. Clearly that was too much to ask for. Jungkook finished putting out the pastries a minute later and shut the case before knocking the empty box off the counter, on to the floor, and then turning to the gigantic coffee maker and espresso machines.

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