You started nosebleeding when
we were in the car today
and as you held your nose,
you found it in yourself to start
laughing as I searched the
glove compartment for paper and
when I turned back to you
you were crying and hitting your fists
to the steering wheel and swearing
You leaned your head back, and you
said something I will never forget as long
as you are in my life
"They've won, haven't they?"
And you frowned as you pressed
paper to the ocean of red that
fell down your lips and I wanted to
kiss you to show you that I didn't care,
that I wouldn't care if you were contagious
I would love you no matter what, but
I know that you would push me away
because you needed time so I took your hand
and I hugged it before stepping out of the car
and walking back up our apartment and I stopped
before you started the car and I saw him take you
with him and away from me and I felt anxious
because I left you after you told me they'd won
and now there was your conqueror:
taking you away
I froze as you disappeared and I remembered
your fear to go out on the balcony because
you thought you would be forced by something
inside your head that only you heard
to jump off
and I dropped what I had in my hands
and let my lips part as my mind raced
I remembered when I saw you in the hallway,
your brown eyes replaced by a surreal and
never ending darkness and right now that
same cold, darkness was taking you
away from me and I didn't know if
it was forever or just for tonight
I could see the fire in your soul
and the secrets that burned
in your heart
We both consisted of something,
and you were fire
whilst I was ice;
you (your demons) would only grow stronger
and I would simply melt and vanish in your heat
(your anger, your hate)
and at the same as I feared it,
I craved it
Because nothing kept me safer
or warmer than
my very own
| a/n ariana just tweeted jai and wrote "i love you more than words" awww. |
eyes closed, i'm awake
Poetrywith a taste of dreaming, a touch of sleep, eyes closed, i'm awake