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Sam and Dean Winchester approached sunny Los Angeles at an increasing speed of 76 miles per hour.

"You should slow down, Dean." A voice said from the back seat. The brothers whipped their heads around to see Castiel sitting in the back.

"Cas, a little warning next time. You've got to stop popping in like that." Dean replied, turning his eyes back to the road.

"Sorry," the angel said, "I was hoping I could help you with whatever hunt you're on." The brothers glanced at each other and mentally agreed they were fine with it.

"Yeah, Cas. Of course," Dean answered.

"What is the case?"

"It's in the suburbs of LA on the west side. A 21 year old girl was found brutally stabbed inside a house while she was visiting her parents. Apparently there was no evidence or fingerprints. She was just lying there dead when her parents found her. The husband and wife said that she was acting strange before and we think its worth digging into." Sam told Castiel.

Dean accelerated to 80 miles per hour then said, "We're posing as FBI agents to interview some of the neighbors. You may want to uh suit up,"

Castiel immediately followed with a "Oh ok." Then he looked down at his clothes and disappeared. The brothers were silent when 15 seconds later, Cas reappeared in a suit in tie just like the ones Sam and Dean wore.

Dean smiled as he looked in the mirror facing the back seat, "Cas, you look good."

"Thank you, Dean," Castiel replied. Sam rolled his eyes as they rolled into the suburbs of LA.

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