The Hunt: Part 1

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~Modern Family~


Mitchell and Cameron pulled out of their driveway with Lily in the back.

"Are we going through with this?" Cameron asked.

"I believe we are," Mitchell smiled.



The impala's engine filled the silence of the quiet road to the forest. The perimeter they were going to cover was huge. They would have to be very precise with timing so none of the witches knew what was going on. All their blasts would have to go off at the same time, even though they couldn't see each other. Dean had a plan for that though.

They pulled into the clearing as the saw three other cars. The families were wearing darker color. At least they would blend in well if things went south. No one was going to die tonight and the Winchesters were going to make sure if that.

Sam, Dean, and Cas got out of the car. They got their bags out of the back which they had the canisters in.

"Alright guys, we have to make these things go off at the same time, so we made these timers for each group. They're all pre-set to go off at Midnight. As long as everyone blasts it off at the same time, pointed in the right direction," Dean sighed, "it should work."

Sam grabbed the canisters out of the bags and started to toss them out, "Here, Dean and Mitch, you guys get Sodium," he tossed the canister and timer to Dean, "Cas and Cameron can have Potaasium," he tossed to Cameron who caught it.

Everybody else got elements. Jay and Sam got Calcium. Lily and Gloria got Silver. Phil and Manny got Nitrogen. Luke and Claire got Gold. Finally, Haley and Alex got Hydrogen.

"Is everyone ready?" Castiel asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. Dean looked down at his watch, it read 23:02.

"Alright, let's go then!" Dean yelled to the group as everyone started hiking with their partner to their pinpointed location.

And with that they were off.

<sorry that chappie was short but the next one will be longer and I needed to update so yeah... See yah later!>

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