~Modern Family~

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~Modern Family~

The family was making up crazy theories to how Haley got shot. Gloria knew what it was. She knew that the "Federal Agents" at the Dunphy household were almost no doubt hunters. The way they dressed was one giveaway, well for American hunters. They both wore plaid except for the shortest one. She wasn't sure about him.

One main reason Gloria left Columbia was to get away from the hunters and monsters. The police never figured out that the reason there were so many murders was because of all the supernatural beings. Hunters like Gloria's father tried to keep the monsters under control, but they just kept coming. Gloria didn't want that lifestyle for her or Manny.

She had been able to keep her secret under wraps pretty well until now. Manny didn't really know so as long as she just kept her mouth shut about it, she would be fine. However she found that keeping her mouth shut was very difficult.

Every so often something would slip, but Jay usually didn't catch it if she said sole thing about werewolves, or vampires, or even demons.

After some self- evaluating, Gloria decided that the day she let Haley die would be her last. With everyone else arguing, she slowly snuck away from the group and to the three boys.

"Alright do you know what we are dealing with here?" Gloria asked.

"Who are you?" The tallest one said.

"Gloria, and I know hunters when I see them. What's going on?" She said.

The boys looked nervous and the one in the trench coat said, "We don't know what your talking about," in a really fake voice.

The one that was very tall sighed and then said, "Cas you're a terrible liar."

"That's not true I once deceived both you and your brother," the one Gloria now learned to call "Cas" said.

"Well, Mr. Cas and friends," Gloria said in her thick accent, emphasizing Cas' name, "I think you should tell me what we are dealing with before I take my machete out and cut your head off like the no good leviathan!"

Cas' eyes widened, "How did you know that I was once-" the bow legged one cleared his throat, cutting Cas off.

After clearing his throat he said, "Gloria, we don't know what it is yet. All we know is there was cursing involved. I suggest you don't tell your family about this."

"Oh no. They are a part if this now and if you don't tell them, I will," Gloria stated, "I want you to tell them at our house tonight! When we are all there, and if you don't show up, I will hunt you down."

"Alright, fine. What's the address?" Tall one asked. Gloria gave them the address when Phil, Claire, and Haley walked into the waiting room. Haley's whole left arm and shoulder were wrapped up in white. The family smiled and hugged, but Haley wouldn't talk.

"Alright everyone, we are all going to my house and these gentlemen will explain what's going on!" Gloria yelled. Everyone shuffled out and got in their cars. Then, they all drove to the Pritchett household, where everyone found a piece of furniture or floor to sit on.

The men came in after them and got in front of the room. The tall one started, "Hey everyone. Umm I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean. That's Castiel, and we're hunters."

"Isn't Castiel the name of that one angel? What is it? Uhh the angel of Thursday!" Alex said.

"Uhh yeah, about that," Sam began.

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