~Modern Family~

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~Modern Family~

"Right our neighbors. I assume you want us to tell you the whole thing right?" Phil asked.

"Correct," Agent Cole said.

Claire began, "Well it all started Friday at around 11 o'clock when the Dawsons invited us over for lunch with their daughter who had just gotten in from town, so we accepted."

"But it was just us. Not the kids," Phil clarified.

"Right," Claire said, "So anyway we came over and were eating lunch with them. And Destiny was such a nice girl. She was intelligent and sweet and she had a fiancé she was engaged to, but she seemed a little wary and off. Like she was sick. So we left after lunch and around two I was out gardening when I noticed Pam, the mother outside too. So I asked her where Destiny was and apparently she had a high fever and wasn't feeling well. I guess she had the flu. Then I went inside and Andre called us to ask if we wanted to go to dinner with them but we politely declined. And from what I hear they went to dinner and came back to find her there on the floor," Claire took a deep breath.

"Alright so do you know if the Dawsons are there right now?" Agent Ford asked.

"No they immediately went to the airport after the funeral to go to Miami. They had to collect Destiny's things from her apartment," Phil replied.

"Yes, from why I understand they won't be back until Friday." Claire followed up.

"Ok umm thank you for your time." Agent Boham said. They got up to get out of the house when the found Alex and Luke eavesdropping by the wall.

"Umm we weren't here," Alex said shyly.

"Right. Where's Haley?" Phil asked.

"She's upstairs in her room. Said she wasn't feeling well," Luke answered.

"Oh I bet it's the flu. Probably going around," Claire said. The agents looked at each other suspiciously.

"Alright we better go," Agent Ford said. They turned to the door and left leaving confused Dunphys.


After Claire confirmed Haley had a fever and most likely the flu they heard the doorbell ring. Phil answered it. Cameron, Mitchell, and Lily were there with Gloria, Jay, and Manny walking up behind them.

"Claire!" Phil called nervously.

"Yes!" Claire called back from upstairs.

"Weren't we supposed to have that family dinner tonight at our house tonight?"

"Is it July 13th?"


"Great. They're here aren't they?" Claire shouted.

"Yes!" Mitchell yelled upstairs. Claire ran down the steps with Alex and Luke.

"I'm sorry guys. We were questioned by FBI agents today and it slipped my mind," Claire said as the family walked in.

"What did Haley do?" Lily said.

"Haley didn't do anything. Why does everyone say that?" Everyone stared. "Ok I get it. But no umm it was the neighbors next door. Their daughter."

"The one who was murdered right? Very tragic." Gloria said.

"Yeah. I know guys how about we go out to eat?" Phil suggested.

"Yeah ok," Jay said and everyone agreed. Pretty soon they all shuffled out and Claire told Haley she should stay home and rest.

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