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Once Sam, Dean, and Cas sat down on the couch across from the husband and wife Dean introduced their aliases. "I'm Agent Ford," he pointed at Cas, "That's Agent Cole," he pointed to Sam, "And that's Agent Boham."

"Claire an Phil Dunphy," The woman stated. Just when Sam was about to ask some questions a voice called out, "Mom who's here?" A boy walked into the room an saw them. "What did Haley do?" He asked.

"Nothing. Uhh these are FBI agents here to talk to us about Destiny." Phil said. His tone implied to the boy that he should leave. Apparently he didn't understand because he quickly followed with, "Woah cool! You're FBI agents? Do you like fight bad guys?"

"Uhh yeah you could say that," Sam said with a smirk.

The boy rushed forward, "Cool, I'm Luke by the way."

"Hi Luke. Umm if you don't mind we have to talk to your par-" Dean was cut off by two girls walking into the room.

One of them blinked and then smiled, "Why hello there. I'm Haley," she said putting her hand out to Dean. He reluctantly shook it.

The other girl looked frustrated as she went to the other side of the coach and shook Sam's hand harder, "And I am Alex."

Claire stood up and raised her voice, "Alright! Every Dunphy Child. OUT!" They all groaned and went back upstairs.

"Sorry about that agents. They can be a little... over bearing sometimes," Claire said as she sat back down.

"Yes, they really can." Cas said. Dean shot him a look, but Sam recovered, "Umm it's really no trouble Mrs. Dunphy. Now about your neighbor..."

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