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"Sam, please explain to me why we are hanging outside the Dunphys' house at dusk?" Dean asked.

"Because I saw them an a bunch of other people leave while we were around the other neighbors. But I didn't see that one girl that wasn't feeling well," Sam responded.

"Haley," Castiel said.

"Right, Haley. So if she had the flu like that other girl or something then maybe there's a connection," Sam said.

Dean sighed, "Well that's a long shot. It could just be the flu going arou-" a scream from inside the house interrupted him.

"Or not," Sam said while getting out of the impala, gun in hand. Dean and Cas got out too. They ran up the lawn to the front door and Sam attempted to open it. "It's locked," he said. They stood back as Dean attempted to kick down the door. It wouldn't budge. Sam tried too. Nothing. Even Cas couldn't get it down and his grace basically meant he had super strength.

"Cas can you get us in there?" Dean asked referring to his wings.

"Yes," he grabbed them and they all hit their heads on the door as another shriek was let out from Haley. They all fell back on the concrete.

"Cas, what the hell was that?" Dean asked, sitting up.

"It's cursed. I can't get in," Castiel stated.

"Come on let's go to a side window," Sam said as they all ran to the left side if the house. They peered inside the window that was looking in on the kitchen. Haley was sprawled out on the floor with what looked like a BB gun floating over her.

"Is that a BB gun?" Dean asked surprised. "Like with plastic bullets."

"Yes and no. I think those are real bullets," Cas answered.

"We have to get in there!" Sam said. Castiel brought his arm back and gave a solid punch at the glass window. It shattered. The three of them crawled through it, cutting themselves on the broken glass edges. When all three of them were inside they ran to Haley who was bleeding. She was breathing heavily but still conscious.

"Haley!" Sam said rushing over to her. "Dean stay by her I'm gonna call the paramedics." Dean kneeled down as Cas loomed over her.

"FBI..... Agents." Haley said in short breaths.

"Shhh save your breath," Dean looked up at Castiel, "Can you..."

"I can try," Cas knelt down and put his hand over her. A blue glow started as Sam hung up the phone from the paramedics and got down with them. Just before the healing started Castiel pulled his hand back in pain.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Like I thought. The bullets are cursed. I could heal her but the bullets would still be there. That could cause all kinds of issues especially if the bullet is cursed. Looks like we are going to have to let the human doctors fix this," Castiel answered.

"Great," Dean sighed. Sirens wailed behind them. And Sam rushed to open the door for the paramedics who took Haley on a stretcher and into the ambulance. The boys followed behind in the impala. Castiel punched in the number for Claire Dunphy and Sam called her.

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