~Modern Family~

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~Modern Family~ *4 hours earlier*

"Kids get down here!" Claire yelled. Haley and Alex marched down in plain black dresses. Alex's was much more modest than Haley's and Claire took notice. "There is no way you are wearing that to a funeral, Haley." Claire stated.

"What do you mean, Mom? This one almost reaches my knees!" Haley shot back. Claire rolled her eyes an shooed her up to go change. Haley groaned but changed anyway.

"Luke come on what's taking you so long?" Claire yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Phil and Luke emerged at the top of the stairs in suits. Luke put his finger between the fabric and his neck and pulled in irritation. "Mom, this is torture. First, I have to wear this and then I have to go to some stupid funeral." He complained, walking down the steps.

"It's not stupid, it's for Andre's daughter. And what happened to her was a tragedy. We have to support him. That's what friends do." Phil said as they waited for Haley who came down the stairs in a dress that was roughly two inches longer than the previous one.

"Here. Better?" Haley asked.

"Not particularly, but there's no time. Just get in the car." Claire said. They all shuffled out the door to go to Destiny's funeral.

None of them knew Destiny because she went to college in Miami and was rarely home. However, Phil made a huge deal that they needed to go to support Andre, their neighbor.

Throughout the funeral there were definitely tears. The Dawson family could only hope that they find the person who did this. Destiny was 21 and had a bright future ahead of her. Her parents were shocked when they found her dead that night last Sunday. The whole community was shocked. She was the kind of person everyone knew and loved. When she left for college in Miami everyone was sad and now that she was dead, everyone was devastated.

Despite being completely bored at the funeral the Dunphy kids managed to fight through it. And at the end, when it was all over they could finally go home.

When they pulled into the driveway and got in the house they were only there five minutes before their doorbell rang. Claire sighed and went to go answer it. When she opened it there were three men in suits standing there, holding FBI badges. Before Claire's mind raced about what kind of trouble Haley probably got into, the tallest of them said, "Hello we would like to ask you a few questions about the murder of Destiny Dawson."


"Jay! Jay!" Gloria yelled. Jay turned the corner into the kitchen.

"What." The man said.

"Did you hear about that happened to the poor girl who was killed on Friday. Her obituary is in the Sunday paper." Gloria said in her thick accent.

"Yeah. The Dunphys went to that funeral today. Claire said something about it. Apparently it happened in the house next door!" Jay replied.

They kept talking about other things until Manny came down from the stairs.

"Are we still going to the Dunphys tonight for dinner?" Manny asked.

"Oh yes! I forgot! I should get ready! We have to leave in an hour!" Gloria said as she ran up stairs. Manny quickly followed her after he said something about ironing his pants. Jay sighed and shook his head.


"Uhhh of course. Come in. Come in." Claire said. She yelled, "Phil! Come in here!" Claire led the men into the living room. Phil sat down next to her on the couch and the agents sat across from them. "These are some FBI agents who are questioning us about Destiny." Claire explained to Phil nervously.

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