~Modern Family~

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~Modern Family~

"I just hope Haley is alright," Claire said.

"I'm sure she's fine, Claire. Stop worrying so much. The girl is 19 years old. She's perfectly capable of being left alone for two hours," Jay answered.

"I'm gonna call her and make sure she's alright," Claire said. She picked up her phone to dial but then it started ringing. It was a number she didn't recognize.

"Who's that?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Claire answered. She pushed the answer button on the phone and put it up to her ear.

This was the conversation:

Claire: Hello?

Other Line: Mrs. Dunphy?

Claire: Yes, who is this?

Other Line: This is Sam. Listen you need to get to the hospital right now.

Claire: Sam? My boyfriend from 9th grade? Why do I need to go to the hospital.

Sam: Dammit. No it's Agent Boham. It's Haley. Something happened to her.

Claire: What? oh my god!

Sam: Listen- *line goes dead* Claire? Claire? *hangs up*

"Phil something happened to Haley we have to go to the hospital."

"What?" The whole family said in unison.

"I don't know but we need to go!" Claire said and they all rushed out getting in the cars. Jay stayed an extra minute to pay for dinner avoiding the whole "getting arrested" thing. But then got in the car with Manny and Gloria, and then they all sped toward Westside Memorial Hospital.


Jay pulled up to the hospital approximately five minutes after the others. Manny and Gloria ran in and Jay followed. He came through the doors and saw Mitchell standing there signing papers. "Where are Phil and Claire?" Jay asked.

"With Haley," Mitchell answered.

"What happened?" Jay said concerned.

"I'm not entirely sure. But I heard them saying something about bullet wounds." Mitchell said with a sigh.

"Bullet wounds? How is that even possible?"

"I don't know Dad, we're waiting for the doctor right now."

Mitchell and Jay walked into the waiting room. The rest of the family was sitting there with about ten other people. The doctor came out of the door. "I need to talk to someone about Haley Dunphy," the doctor announced. All of them stood up from their chairs. "Alright she is in stable condition." Everyone let out a breath of relief. "She has three bullet wounds. One in her left shoulder, another in her left arm, and another in her left hand." He concluded.

"We'll is she gonna be ok?" Cam asked.

"Yes we are getting her all patched up and she's going to be fine." The doctor said.

"How did this even happen?" Jay asked.

"We'll these guys," he pointed to three men standing in the corner about five feet away, "called 911 and they said they don't know what happened but they heard her screaming inside."

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