The Hunt: Part 2

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<this chapter will definitely be mentioning destiel. It's also not as long as I intended but that's because I decided to split this part and the next part because it fit. Enjoy!>

~Mitchell And Dean~


Mitch and Dean hiked up the forest some more. Mitchell was breathing heavily, and Dean didn't make a noise.

"Can we... take... a break?" Mitchell said between breaths.

Dean sighed and rolled his eyes but answered, "Yeah, whatever we're ahead of the game." He looked at the timer. Their walkie talkies went off: HELLO IS ANY ONE THERE?

It was Cam's voice. Another voice came on, belonging to Castiel: Dean said we're not supposed to use these, Cameron.

Phil's voice came on a second after: If you want these to be realistic you have to say over and also copy. Over.

Dean looked aggravated as he picked up the walkie talkie from his belt: Dammit guys, I said only use these in an emergency!

There were no voices after that and Mitchell and Dean started hiking again.

After about three minutes of silence Mitchell said, "So Dean, what do you think about Cas?" Dean turned around.

~Cameron and Castiel~


After the walkie talkie incident they kept walking. Castiel knew he could very well just fly there with Cameron, but everyone else wouldn't be there so what was the point.

Cam was thinking about Cas. This angel was some wise being who probably shouldn't even be here, but he was. And Cameron only had one guess as to why.

"So what's your relationship with Dean?"

~Mitchell and Dean~


"We're friends," Dean answered, "Best friends actually," He corrected himself.

"Yeah but what do you like about him?" Mitchell asked as they continued to hike.

Dean turned around, puzzled. "What do you mean?" Dean said.

"Well here let's start with this, how did you meet?" Mitchell asked again as Dean turned back around to walk some more.

"Technically? Well I guess it was when he brought me back from hell." Mitchell froze in his steps.

"Oh. Naturally," Mitchell said, rolling his eyes.

"Then I stabbed him in a barn."

"Alright, I've heard enough of that."

~Jay and Sam~


Jay did not seem exactly thrilled to be hiking in the forest at eleven at night. However, he did not complain. Sam decided to comment on something, "So uh which ones are your kids?"

"Claire and Mitchell," Jay said in response.

"Oh. Are you close?" Sam curiously asked.

"Well yeah, I guess. I mean we see each other a lot." Jay pointed out.

"Mhm. Yeah I was never really close with my dad," Sam followed up casually.

"What about your mother?" Jay decided to ask.

Sam stopped walking, "She's no longer with us."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

"No. Umm it's fine it was a long time ago," Sam breathed out. Then they continued to walk in silence through the forest.

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