~Modern Family~

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~Modern Family~

Cam and Mitchell got in the car with Lily who fell fast asleep within minutes.

"Did you see that Dean guy?" Mitchell said with a smirk.

"Smoking," Cameron confirmed. He followed with, "Oh and Sam's hair!"

"Yeah." Mitchell breathed out and then said, "But did you see that angel in the trench coat?"

"Yeah Castiel," Cameron said.

"Yeah him and Dean. I don't know about you, but my gaydar was pinging."

"Oh yeah definitely. Do you think they're dating or something?" Cam asked.

"Oh no way. They were too subtle for that. But they need to be," Mitchell told Cameron.

"I think we should make it our personal mission to get them together."

"I'm all for it," Mitchell said as they pulled into their driveway.


"Mom, are we really doing this?" Manny said when everyone left.

"Yes Manny we have to do it. Can you imagine of Los Angeles was taken over by the ghosts of witches? Or the whole world?" Gloria tried to warm him up to the idea.

"For once, I'm with Manny on this one. I don't think it's a good idea for us to be going out and risking our lives. Especially you, Gloria," Jay said.

"Ummm well. I have to tell you something. When I was in Columbia I used to do what Sam and Dean do. Hunt."

"What?!" Jay and Manny said in unison.

"I left to get away from that life!" Gloria said defending herself.

"It's alright, Gloria I'm just surprised. Is that why I found a machete in our closet next to your eight inch heals?" Jay said.

"Oh you found that too," Manny said.

"Manny why were you in our closet?" Jay said.

"I was trying to see if Jay had any ties I could borrow. Obviously not. You wouldn't know class if it punched you in the face," Manny answered. Jay shrugged.

"Thank you both for being so accepting," Gloria said, pulling Jay and Manny in for a hug.


After the Dunphys got inside, the kids went upstairs to sleep. Phil and Claire sat down on the couch and started talking.

"We are going to hunt down monsters! And we are working with an angel!" Phil said.

"Phil don't get too excited, it's very dangerous," Claire stated.

"Ya know what? I'm going to ask him if he's ever seen Angels In The Outfield!" Phil said.

"I bet he hasn't he seemed a but... How do I put it, uncultured,"

"Wanna bet?"

"You're on!" And then they shook hands, and went to bed.


At around 10am everyone in the Dunphy household was up. They were all downstairs at this point. Alex was reading, Haley was struggling to text with one hand, and Luke, Claire, and Phil were watching tv. Suddenly the phone started to ring, Claire ran to get it. The conversation was this.

Claire: Hello?

Other Line: Hello Claire.


Other Line:


Other Line:

Claire: Yes?

Other Line: This is Castiel.

Claire: Uh hello. Do you have the plan or something?

Castiel: Where are you?

Claire: My house...

The line went dead and Castiel appeared in front of her within a blink of an eye.

"Woah! How did you get here?" Claire said as the whole family ran in to see him.

"I flew here. We need to go to the meeting place," he said. Everyone felt a pull and then they were at what looked like an old ware house in a flash. The rest of the family was standing there along with Sam and Dean.

"Dammit Cas, I said to tell them to drive here. Not scare the living crap out of them!" Dean said.

"Sorry Dean," Castiel answered, "I thought this way would be faster."

"It's alright buddy. Are you all okay?" Dean asked the Dunphys.

"We're more than fine! I just traveled via angel!" Phil exclaimed.

"Right.... Well we have a plan," Dean explained.

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