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When they all met down by the cars, Sam noticed Mitchell and Cameron looked at each other suspiciously. He brushed it off.

"Thank you guys. Normally I'd say I like to work solo. But I gotta tell you. I don't think we could've done it without you," Dean said.

"Oh! Dean!" Gloria said coming in to hug the three boys. Everyone else followed resulting in one group hug. Dean said something about 'this crazy family' but he secretly loved these guys. They understood, they trusted, and they helped. What better people could you ask for.

As Dean and Cas were about to go into the impala, Mitchell and Cameron tripped them. Which resulted in Cas and Dean falling on each other and landing on the ground, Dean staring down at Cas.

They froze there for about 8 seconds until Jay, who was standing over them, pushed Dean's head down with his foot, forcing them to kiss. While doing this, he looked away as everyone clapped. Jay sighed.

Dean and Cas got up and brushed themselves off. Dean looked at Cameron and Mitchell, "Was this a setup?" He asked angrily.

"Maybe. You'll never know," Cameron answered

"YES! FINALLY! THANK YOU, CAM AND MITCH!" Sam exclaimed punching his fist in the air, "Man I was getting sick and tired of this tension!"

"You knew?" Cas asked puzzled.

Sam gave him his best bitch-face, "Are you kidding me, you guys sort if scream: Romantic Couple In Disguise."

Dean and Cas laughed as everyone piled into the impala. The family waved goodbye and Dean rolled down his window. He could hear arguments going on between Jay and Mitchell. It was something along the lines of: "hmmm you did that. Does this mean your battle with homophobia is over... I never said that... You showed it... There wasn't ever a battle... I didn't hear a no... Shut up, mitch..." Dean laughed and they rode away blaring some ACDC song.

<thank you to everyone who read it! I got those last parts done to day. apparently I was feeling extremely motivated. I hope you enjoyed my last little kick and the happy ending. I'll see you all soon>

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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