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Dean knew exactly how to explain his plan. Castiel and him stayed up all night working on it and Dean was running purely on adrenaline and four cups of coffee.

"Alright so the seven witches need to do their ritual in this open space in the forest. Now in order for them to do it correctly all of them need actively participate. Each witch has a weakness that Cas has figured out using some research and angel mojo," Manny raised his hand. Dean looked puzzled but said, "Uhh yes?"

"Will we have a practice run before this?"

Dean looked confused, "Umm no. Of course not. We have one shot. Now anyway, back to my plan. The weaknesses are all different elements from the periodic table-"

"Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine-" Alex began.

Dean got frustrated, "Yes yes yes I am aware what the elements are now the ones the witches are weakened to are; Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Silver, Nitrogen, Gold, and Hydrogen."

"How exactly are we going to harness these things if some are nearly impossible to obtain in a physical fo-" Alex started but got cut off.

"Cas has already obtained them all into canisters, that when triggered, send a powerful blast of the energy of that element to the intended target," Sam concluded.

"Question. Why are these witches weaknesses elements?" Mitchell asked.

"Well because.... Uhh because everything has a weakness and- OH THEY JUST ARE OKAY!" Dean yelled.

"Umm ok then."

Sam went on, "So we all meet outside the forest at 11:00 tonight. Since there are 14 of us and 7 witches then everyone will be in a group of two-" he stopped and saw Cameron's hand raised, "what?" He sighed.

"Umm I'm not comfortable with Lily being a part of our group of 14," Cam said.

"I'll be fine Daddy," Lily said.

"Umm Cam relax, we will partner her up with someone who will for sure protect her," Dean said. Cameron and Mitchell didn't seem too impressed but they shut up.

"So back to our plan," Dean started yet again, "Every partnership gets a canister to shoot at the witch. We will circle up at a large perimeter around them, and at exactly midnight everyone blasts their witch. Sound good?"

Everybody mumbled and nodded in agreement. Dean said, "Alright great so pairs. Okay, Mitchell you're with me, Cam you're with Cas, Sam you're with Jay, Lily you're with Gloria, Phil with Manny, Claire with Luke, and Haley is with Alex. You'll get your element blasters at 11 tonight. See you all at the forest." And with that, Castiel grabbed Sam and Dean, and they were gone.

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