The Hunt: Part 3

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<second to last chapter everyone. however it is the last installment of the hunt trilogy. hope you like!>

~Cameron and Castiel~


It had been five minutes since Cam asked his question about Dean. Cas had yet to answer. Cameron didn't say anything, of course. He didn't feel like getting blasted into oblivion, but he was not leaving without an answer.

Cam cleared his throat. Cas looked up and said, "Nothing."


"You asked what our relationship was. I assume you mean romantically and we have no romantic relationship."

"Yeah but do you wish you do?" Cameron asked.

Castiel tilted his head in confusion. Geez, trying to squeeze out information from this guy was like trying to squeeze out water from a dry sponge.

"We are just friends, Cameron."

Cam nodded but kept thinking, 'Nothing will ever stop me from helping Cas escape from the friend zone'

Cameron pulled out his walkie talkie: Mitchell plan B is underway. Over.

"We are not supposed to use these!" Cas said, taking it away.

The walkie talkie went off with Mitchell's voice: Rodger.

They continued walking and Cam smile to himself.

~Gloria and Lily~


"Come on, Lily!" Gloria called as Lily walked 20 feet behind her.

"It's too far!" She whined.

"Fine, I guess your dads were right, you are too young for this," Gloria mocked. Lilly's eyes widened as she ran in front of Gloria.

"I am not!" She screamed.

~Haley and Alex~


"Alex, come on your falling behind!" Haley yelled.

"That's probably because you made me carry everything," Alex groaned up the hill.

"You're not the one with three bullet wounds in your arm!" Haley protested.

"You're gonna be using that excuse for years," Alex breathed heavily. The element blaster was surprisingly heavy. How much could a canister of concentrated Hydrogen really weigh? A lot apparently. Alex guessed that it was just the metal container, and not the element itself.

Haley hiked ahead of her until they reached the section where they had to turn. In order, to go around the witches without getting caught they had to go around their circle. They were all going to stand around the perimeter like a clock, blasting each witch. Haley and Alex would be at the bottom, so they would reach their checkpoint first.

~Claire And Luke~


Claire and Luke stood side by side as they hiked through the forest. Luke was scared to death, but didn't want to admit it. It was just witches, nothing to be afraid if right?

Claire was calm and crushed galled leaves as she passed Haley and Alex getting ready to blast in about 20 minutes. Luke and Claire however has farther to go. They trudged on in silence.

~Phil And Manny~


"Come on Delgado!" Phil yelled down the hill. Manny rolled his eyes and climbed up the hill. He knew Phil was way too excited about this. They were hunting down witches for crying out loud! He should be flipping out.

Phil felt like a secret agent from Mission Impossible, or James Bond. Except his terrorists were these supernatural witches. Which he felt that he should maybe be a bit more afraid of.

"Are we almost there?" Manny complained. Phil checked his watch.

"Come on buddy, we gotta speed it up. 15 minutes till blast. And we're getting closer to the witches so keep your voice down," Phil replied.

~Jay and Sam~


They got closer and closer to their destination, when finally Jay and Sam sat down at the checkpoint. They unloaded their blaster an started to set up.

Jay looked at their timer. It had 11 minutes left on it. They were at the side of the circle-ish blob of land so the team at the top, which would be Dean and Mitchell, should be arriving in about six minutes.

"So how does this thing work?" Jay asked.

Sam gave him a confused face, "We showed you. You place it up on the stand, then you press the button at Blast Time."

"I didn't say I payed attention," Jay argued.

"Yeah whatever."

They set it up on the stand in silence hoping the others were doing the same. It was 8 minutes until blast time.

Sam got out the walkie talkie: Everyone almost ready?

Phil cleared his throat over the walkie talkie and Sam rolled his eyes before saying in his best bitch voice: Over.

Everyone was setting up except Dean and Mitch who said they were about a minute from checkpoint.

~Mitchell and Dean~


They sat down an looked through the trees. In the clearings the witches were preparing for their ritual. Mitchell widened his eyes then looked away.

Dean set up the canister and aimed it at the witch standing directly across from them. You could vaguely see the faces if the family if you looked hard enough through the trees.

Lily waved off from the side with a smile, Mitchell waved back. Dean shot Mitch the death stare and his smile faded. 'Well okay then.' He thought.

Dean looked at the timer. He picked up his walkie talkie: Three minutes till blast everyone. Over.

Gloria's voice came on: We are harmed and dangerous! Over!

Jay's voice came on after that: Sweetie it armed and dangerous, not harmed and dangerous. Over.

The walkie talkie went off agin with the columbian accent: I do not care, Jay!

There was a pause then: Over.

Dean sighed then picked up the walkie talkie: A minute and thirty. Everyone, this is it. We only have one shot at it.

Everyone patiently waited in silence. And Castiel's voice came on: 59 seconds.

"Man his voice is so deep. Really nice," Dean said to Mitchell who looked down at his thumb on the walkie talkie button. A few people cleared their throat before Sam's voice drained the awkwardness: Oh get a room, 29 seconds.

This was it. They all looked through the trees. And in the last ten seconds they did it like in those cool spy movies. As Phil always wanted to. The walkie talkies were on and...

Dean: 10. 9. 8. 7.

Cas: 6.

Sam: 5.

Alex: 4.

Gloria: 3.

Phil: 2!!!

Luke: 1.

Dean and Mitchell pressed down on their button as colorful light filled the sky around them and blasted into the witches. Everyone shielded their eye before looking back up at all the witches laying on the grass dead.

Dean sighed and went on the walkie talkie: Nice work, guys. I didn't think you had it in ya. You proved me wrong. See you down by the cars.

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