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the exams are over. the school's over. summer's here. and how do rowdy and hormonal teenagers celebrate that?

through parties; the best parties, to be exact.

it was only 10PM, and it looks like all of the people are here already.

a range rover filled with a couple of loud teenagers sang along to cardi b's newest single with their windows down. the night was young, and nobody was around to hear them.

autumn miller had a knack for throwing the best parties. she was popular. she was rich. and she used that all to her advantage as she invited everyone to a blow out party at their private resthouse amidst the forest.

the forest would look beautiful under the glows of the sun. but when the sun's down and darkness takes over, the moonlight passes over the trees with an eerie glow.

the rover's driver was halfway drunk with the vodka they were downing while roadtripping to this side of san diego, and the toxicity was proven when they crashed into the sign that had an arrow pointing to where the millers' resthouse was.

the sign fell over the bushes with a thud, but the blaring stereo muffled that.

"damn it, dave!" a girl groaned from the backseat. "the plan was to get shitfaced by booze, not because of your poor driving skills."

dave threw a fuck-you sign before reversing and forwarding again to the left path, where the sign once pointed to and where the party starts.

they were teenagers that would enjoy the night away as they celebrate their freedom from school.

however, it wasn't always greener on the other side. despite what the elders said, the path on the other side of the right one had a darker entry.

maybe it was because the lightpost bursted days before and the caretakers forgot to replace it, or it's because the trees weren't as taken care of as the ones on the other side of the road.

but maybe it's because of the darker tension brought about by whatever it is that lay beyond that path.

as the school's asshole loomed over the dead body of the school's queen bee that he discovered minutes before, he knew he was fucked and there was no party for him tonight.

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