5: A Glimpse of Yesterday (The Painful Truth)

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*(Author's Note)*

Annyeong!!! This chapter will be focusing ONLY to Caitlyn and her father. Suho hyung's exposure will be at the next chapter...

Don't forget to VOTE this chapter...kamsa...Hope you'll like it...XD


Reticence filled the atmosphere while Caitlyn and her father are eating supper. Mr. Eun sensed that something is wrong with her daughter. Caitlyn, on the other hand, felt that she was being 'investigated' by her father on how she acted earlier.

After eating, Mr. Eun tried to make her daughter happy by showing the toys and school supplies he bought.

"Caitlyn, my dear, take a look at these. I've bought you school supplies and a bag. I also bought toys for you and your friends. You can pl-"

"Oppa, I'll look at it later. I'll wash the dishes first," Caitlyn interrupted.

"Okay, my baby. Tell me when you're done," her father said.

After washing the dishes, Caitlyn readied herself for the consequences. She took a deep sigh before speaking, "Oppa, I'm done."

"I'm coming, my daughter," Mr. Eun responded. After a while, he showed Caitlyn what he bought for her. "Look here, Caitlyn. I've bought your favorite character - Hello Kitty! Your notebook, bag, pencils and other things for school are all Hello Kitty-printed. Do you like it, my baby?"

Caitlyn made a glance on the things that her father bought. She then felt perplexed. She wanted to ask the big question to her father but she hesitated because she may hurt him. She wanted to clear everything. Mr. Eun noticed the quietness of his only daughter.

"My dear, is there something wrong?" Mr. Eun questioned worriedly.

Caitlyn took a heavy breath before she replied. "Father..." She paused. "I hope it's not true," her mind thought.

"Caitlyn?" Her father asked.

"Father, I'm sorry to ask these questions, but please answer them in all honesty. Can you promise me that, Father?" Caitlyn begged.

"Okay, my dear. I promise." Mr. Eun promised as he raised his right hand as a proof.

Caitlyn shut her eyes closed first, made a heavy sigh once more and glanced at her father. "Oppa, where did you get all these stuff?"

"I've gotten my salary from my work," her father replied instantly.

"Are you sure you're telling the truth?" Caitlyn assured.

"Y-yes. my dear,"

"Then why did I heard your name on the radio a while ago?" Caitlyn's emotion started to rise. Her father then became inarticulate on what he heard.

"Is it true, Oppa? Is it true that you robbed malls, stores and other buildings? Are these stuff all STOLEN? Are you a robber, Oppa? ARE YOU?"

"Ca-cait...Caitlyn....Caitlyn, let me explain first. Let me ex-"

"Explain what, Father? Explain WHAT? You told me that you have found a decent job. You even said that you promised to Mother to be a good father to me. You also said that stealing is bad. But you? You...STEAL? Is this the reason why I get what I want? The food that we eat, was it also stolen? Tell me, Oppa. TELL ME!" Caitlyn exclaimed.

"Ca-caitlyn, I only did those things just for you. I want you to be always happy. I want you to be like other children there that gets what they want and feel happy. That's what I want you to feel...And that's the ONLY reason I entered robbery..." her father explained.

"But Oppa, why? Why do you need to steal just for me? I can be happy even with all these stuff. I can be happy even we only eat salt and rice as our daily food. I can be happy even we are the poorest family in the world. We are poor by fame and money, but we are wealthy by being very happy.. " Caitlyn said.

Her father was in full silence when he heard those last words from Caitlyn. It kept on repeating on his head.

"We are poor by fame and money, but we are wealthy by being very happy.. "

"We are poor by fame and money, but we are wealthy by being very happy.. "

"We are poor by fame and money, but we are wealthy by being very happy.. "

"You're right, my dear. I realized that buying what you want from stealing is not good. I forgot to think about you and what you will feel. I'm very, very sorry, Caitlyn..." Mr. Eub sobbed in tears. "I'm really sorry, Caitlyn...Oppa hopes that you will forgive him. Please?"

"I'll go only to my room...I'll think about it..."Caitlyn answered as she entered her room.

As she shut the door, Caitlyn felt devastated. She didn't expect that the one who taught her right things will be the one who will do the other way around.

"Why, Father? I didn't mean to let you buy all I want, but of all ways, why did you steal? You let image be ruined to me. Let me find myself first..."

Caitlyn walked a few steps towards her bed, took her diary notebook and slowly wrote all the events that occured that day while listening to the radio.She wrote as:

April 27, 2001

(Tuesday, 7:22 pm)

Met new friends, felt happy at first, but then everything has changed...Discovered the other side of my father...a LIAR! I hope my friends can help me fix this..


Caitlyn woke up with red eyes and a pale face. That's because she kept crying the whole night.

As she entered the kitchen, her father immediately assisted her towards the dining table.

"Good morning, my dear. I've prepared your favorite - Chinese Hot Pot! I hope you'll like it," her father uttered. Caitlyn remained silent as she sat down.

She took a glance on the food in front of her and scooped a spoonful of soup from her favorite dish. Although it tasted good, Caitlyn didn't seemed to be happy. Mr. Eun observed her with full concern. "Caitlyn...I'm sorry about last night. I hope you-"

"Oppa, don't bother me, please? By the way, the soup is good. I really liked it. I'll only clean my room and then go to the playground. Excuse me," she said as he stood up and went to her room.

"What have I done?" her father's mind questioned. "What should I do to make her forgive me?"


*(Author's Note)*

Hello guys!!! Mianhe for delaying Suho oppa's exposure in this chap...I'll make it up on the next chap.. By the way, all of Suho oppa-Caitlyn chaps were entitled A Glimpse of Yesterday...I only added the title of their chaps at the end of each chap...so if you saw the title above, it means you're still in Caitlyn's reminiscing time...

For HunHan fans out there, I'll make the cutest EXO couple back after Suho oppa's chaps....For those who are listed as cast members, your exposure is coming near....so please be patient...Kamsa!!! XD

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