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"If you need anything, text or call me right away, okay?" My dad instructed, about to leave for work. It's going to be my first day of church help later this afternoon, after my classes with Mr. Perry so here he is, basically worrying about me and stressing about it even though I'm totally not stressing about anything. "Do you want me to ask Tony to drive you off to church?"

"I can just walk there, dad." I said with a roll of my eyes. My dad's sweet and I like that he spoils me to bits but it kind of irritates me whenever he's stressing this much.

He chuckled, nodding to himself, "Right, right. But if you need anything, call me, though?" I nodded, giggling a bit. He's more stressed than me and I'm the one who's actually going to be in a new environment and actually interacting with people other than my dad, Jenna, Mr. Perry, and Stephanie. "Okay. Love you, Kells." And with a final nod and a sweet kiss on my head, my dad is finally on his way to work.

The morning started off rather chaotic. My dad barged in to my bedroom with such a disheveled look - hair sticking up to different places, dress shirt lousily tucked, tie poorly tied and face lazily shaved. I think he woke up late? Or maybe he slept late? I'm not too sure but what I'm mostly sure of is he just started throwing pieces of advice towards me, being his usual worrisome self. He told me that if anyone starts being rude or mean to me, that I should tell him or text Mr. Perry.

To be honest, I'm quite excited. This might sound lame but it's actually my first time to go out and probably meet new people on my own. I met Jenna through my dad, I met Mr. Perry because of my dad and, well, Stephanie's our house helper so it's kind of a given thing for me to socialize with her. Anyways, I'm not nervous because I simply don't know what to expect. It's gonna be my first time so there are really no fear there, just nerves from excitement, actually.

Before I could even bat an eyelash towards the clock in the study room, it's already the end of another session with Mr. Perry. My stomach felt like it slipped over or it feels like there are knots forming and tangling themselves in there as Mr. Perry let out a content sigh. "Your dad told me to drop you off to church." He said, packing his stuff in his leather messenger bag in such a neat and organized manner. I notice how opposite him and my dad is. My dad can be annoyingly careless with his stuff sometimes while Mr. Perry's keen on organizing.

"'M okay, Mr. Perry. I'm kinda hungry. I think I'll grab a snack and I'll walk there on my own." I beamed, getting quite excited now that I only have a little over an hour before my hours in the church starts. Gosh, I'm going to meet new people!

He shook his head, laughing a little. "Call me Tony, Kells. I told you this hundreds of times before. I feel so old whenever you call me Mr. Perry." He said, shoulders shrugging slightly as we went for the door, our stuff already packed and neatly left stacked on our desk. "Also, are you sure? Your dad insisted."

"I know, but you're my teacher! That's how kids at Jenna's school call their teacher. Not that I know but that's what Jenna told me." I pouted, an eyebrow raised. I like making myself feel like I'm just like other kids. I often ask Jenna to tell me about her school life and the setting alone amuses me. As someone who's been home-schooled his entire life, I find amusement in the mess that Jenna refers to as the school system. "And yup, I'm sure! I already told him this morning. He's just being so weird and paranoid, but I'll be good. Thank you, Mr. Perry!" I said, hugging him and finally, we bid our farewells and he's off elsewhere.


A small snack that I had in mind turned into an actual and proper lunch. As soon as I passed the kitchen and intended to look over to the pantry, Steph told me that she already cooked food for me. I told her to join me and though still kind of shy and hesitant, she did. We shared her very delicious meal and chatted . She told me about this birthday party that they're planning to throw for her youngest sibling, Patty. I've met Patty once before when Stephanie reluctantly brought her to our house. She said that no one's going to be left to care for Patty so she decided to bring her along that day. Of course we welcomed her oh-so well. She's a little cutie and is very well-behaved.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now