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"Your life's getting.. complicated lately." Jenna comments as we lay in her bed with our legs crossed and both of us letting our now painted nails dry. "You used to be my little, sometimes annoying, curious baby but, fuck, what have you been getting your self in to?"

I sigh loudly, shoulders slumping and I probably look too distressed and exhausted for a teenager. "I don't know! It's not like I asked for all of this to happen to me." I say, lips falling into a pout, resulting in a laughing Jenna.

"Good thing I got over my lil crush on you, huh. I'm not in the mood to get caught in some boy drama like that." She sighs, blowing on her nails as to make them dry quickly. "One boy can give me a headache, let alone three? No fucking thanks." She giggles, looking at me with a smirk that I just so badly want to wipe off of her face with my bare hands but I don't want to ruin my pretty nail polish right now.

I painted Jenna's nails black and she painted mine a glittery baby pink. We've just been chilling in her room the entire day since it's finally spring break - meaning, they don't have to go to school and I don't have classes with Mr. Perry, too. I asked her if I could come over because I just don't want to be stuck in the house with nothing to do and so much to think about.

Also, it's been a week since the entire run-in with Vic happened and things had been kind of tense, even in the house. Alan's been extra protective of me and I don't hate it entirely, really. I like that he openly shows that he cares about me and that he wants to protect me as much as he can. But of course my dad found out, Alan just had to tell. That's the only thing that threw me off, though. I don't get why he had to tell my dad.

"Wait, why did you have a crush on me, exactly?" I ask my best friend stupidly and it kinda made me feel really awkward the moment I said it but I guess it's too late to take it all back now. I hate how sometimes, my mouth doesn't know its limits.

Jenna laughs, painted nails shimmering dully as a hand slaps her mouth, muffling her obnoxious laughter. "Seriously, Kellin?"


She rolls her eyes at me and I punched her shoulder the best I could while trying to be careful with my painted nails. Jenna did a good job this time because usually, she'd paint my skin, too, which irritates me to no end because I try to paint hers perfectly. "You have this certain something, y'know? I just can't point out what." She says, not really helping much in easing my confusion.

"I don't know, really. And that's what Vic told me, too!"

"Which part?"

"Like, he likes me but he couldn't point out what is it about me that he likes or something?"

Jenna nods in understanding, shrugging afterwards and grabbing the previously forgotten bag of chips beside her. I laugh at her because she looks so funny trying to get a piece of chip with her fingers curled and careful not to mess the nail polish. "Yeah, I guess you're just mysterious like that." She says, laughing now.

"Seriously, Jenna!" I'm getting quite frustrated with everything that's been happening lately. It's stressing me out, though Jenna's been telling me not to because everything will blow over and fall in their place, she says. I don't know. I can't help but to think about everything all at once.

"You're my best friend and I guess I just always admired you as, well, you. You're cute in both the physical and mental sense, if that helps." She explains further, looking more serious now.

I quirk an eyebrow at her. Okay, this is sounding a little more reasonable now, I guess? "As me?" I ask, a painted finger pointing directing at my chest and Jenna giggles, nodding enthusiastically before tipping the bag of chips and dumping the remaining salty crumbs and dusts in her mouth.

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