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Sunday means church service, which means I get to actually wear the white robes that sacristans are supposed to wear during the mass. This Sunday is an exception for me, though. I received a text message from my aunt Gab last night, saying that she'd already contacted the church office, notifying about my health and all that jazz. I insisted that I could do it but my aunt wasn't having any of it. She said that I can do the service next week. Just like her brother, she could be a worry wart when it comes to me.

Honestly, not having the responsibility to be near the altar, in front of a lot of people, for today is kind of a relief to me. I can be really friendly and outgoing when I want to but I still have my moments of sheer shyness. Also, hundreds of eyes fixated on the new sacristan? I am going to sweat my pulse out, for sure. Anyways, I'm going to dwell on that next week because right now, I am still in my room, combing my hair in front of my bathroom mirror while I look over my outfit. It's simple and comfy and fitting for a Sunday church service and I still am happy with it.

The thing with my church attires is that I purposefully try to make them as neutral as I could (considering my wardrobe full of pastel, soft, and pretty stuff that I love)

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The thing with my church attires is that I purposefully try to make them as neutral as I could (considering my wardrobe full of pastel, soft, and pretty stuff that I love). By neutral, I mean, in-between the "for girls" and "for boys" bracket when it comes to clothing. Whatever the heck that means.

Aunt Gab called me out for it years ago, when my dad actually started trying to explain to her my ways. I still remember how she looked at me so weird, as if I'm some kind of a mutant, growing an extra leg on my hip and an extra eye on my cheek. She said some hurtful things too and I remember crying so much that night, so confused as to why she'd say those things. I grew up like this, being able to dress and like whatever I want, and my dad, Mr. Perry, Stephanie and Jenna never made me feel uncomfortable or any different. But anyways, that's what went down when my aunt Gabriel first met me. My dad talked to me that night, saying to never let other people's hurtful judgments get through me ever. The day after, I heard him talking to her early in the morning and although it started off with a hushed argument, they went civil towards each other eventually.

Anyhow, my aunt accepts me now, though I still don't really get why and if I'm actually different from other people, but it's whatever.

Aside from accepting me, she gave me one clear condition, that whenever we'd attend church, I'd have to dress nice and appropriate for the place. I was confused of her request at first but then she told me precisely, "you can wear whatever you want - pants, a shirt or a polo of some sort? Nice sneakers? Or dress pants paired with good dress shoes? You'd look good in 'em!" She said with a smile that still looked weird and kinda forced. Though she tried to lay out a variety of options for me, I knew that those were the only type of clothing that she'd want me to wear.

The drive to the church was short, as per usual. My dad and I talked and laughed about nothing in particular but we had fun. He promised me again that he'll take me to my favorite diner after church, which is really exciting.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now