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I am so hung up and lost with the kiss that it took me seconds to realize that I've been pushed to the couch with Vic standing up so quick and looking at the door with so much worry in his face. I shook my head out of it for a moment, looking to where he is suddenly so preoccupied.

"Sir, I um, I didn't- we, um-" He's stumbling through his words, hands jamming inside his jeans pocket, looking really guilty for some reason? He looks so unsure and fearful that I actually have to double check is this is still Vic. This isn't his natural stance that I got used to seeing so I'm kind of baffled and kind of amused at the sight of him all fidgety and on edge.

"Hey, boys!" My dad shouts, fleet of giggles following afterwards. He almost hit his face against our white floors when he fell carelessly, his drunken mind obviously drowned out of sanity. Yup, this is how he usually is after drinking. He could be a real lightweight and we are all well-aware of it. It's funny at times but he could be annoying - just like this time. I'm annoyed by the fact that my little moment with Vic got interrupted because of his drunken face.

"Alright. C'mon, let's get you up to your room." I sigh, going over to him and going with the usual routine of giving up my remaining energy of the night to drag him up the stairs while he laughs at things that I cannot even comprehend myself.

I scoot down beside him and he's just giggling, eyelids hooded. I think he can't even see me right now. But that doesn't stop him from pinching my cheeks. "Look at you! You're so cute!" He says, making me scoff and push his hands off of me. "Look at him, Vic! He's so god damned cute, isn't he?"

"Okay, enough." I seethe, feeling the previous blush rise up again on my cheeks. Drunk or not, this guy could really find ways in embarrassing me in front of anyone.

"You look so much like your mom, oh god, she was so beautiful!" He proclaims and I know it should've made me sad but it doesn't really hit me anymore. The first couple of times that I hear him drunkenly swoon over my late mother, yeah, it did hurt. But it's been so many years and I learned to get over it. I know that she's in a much peaceful and happier place now and that thought alone is enough for me. My dad, though, he copes differently. He'd say and make you think that he's over my mom and her death but get him drunk and he'll cry. It makes me sad and happy at the same time. It's the kind of love that I strive to find in life - the kind of love that my dad would always have for my mom, no matter how tragic their story turned out to be.

With the help of Vic, we were able to get my dad up to his bed. I threw his shoes off before Vic and I left him in his room to sleep. "I didn't realize that it's already half past one." Vic spoke from beside me as I quietly closed the door behind me.

"Yeah, me neither." I nodded a little. As soon as we're alone together, the memories of the short kiss came flashing back. How I wish we could've prolonged it. "Um, d'you want to sleep now?" I ask hesitantly and I repeatedly chant 'please say no, please say no, please say no!' in my head, in great hopes for him to decline my offer but he smiled at me and nodded. It greatly disappointed me but I guess I'm kinda sleepy, too.

"It's this one, right?" He asks as we stop in the hallway in front of the spare room's door and I nod up at him, my hand going over to the door knob, ready to show him his space for the night but he instead grabbed my hand, pulling me over across the hall and in front of my room.


"I- I just want to walk you to your room." I giggle at him, his hand going over the back of his neck.

"It's just five feet away from your room, silly."

He shrugs. "Just, let me do this." And then, just like in the movies when the guy brings the girl back to their front porch after their date, he kisses me and right then and there, I'm not envying the movies anymore because right now, I'm living in my own movie, and it seems so much better than theirs.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now