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"You both know my number but if any of you can't reach me within three minutes in any circumstance of whatever emergency, call Tony, okay?" My dad instructed, tone visibly tensed and quite unsure while Vic and I just stood side by side in front of him, the front door already wide open for him to just get out of. Here he is, his usual, normal worrying self. I guess he has the right to be, though. It's my actual first time to be alone with, well, this stranger that he just met this morning. What baffles me is how he trusted Vic that easily. He never trust anyone that easy and here he is, entrusting me under Vic's care and supervision.

"Yeah, dad, I know. Off you go, now." I shooed him, pushing his hesitant body away from our house and in his car. I gave him a kiss on his cheek, making him smile, him ruffling my hair in return.

"Vic, I'm trusting you, buddy." He squinted his eyes at him, making me slap his arm.

"No worries, sir. I'll contact you immediately if needed." He chuckles, a charming smile on his face and wow I think I fell deeper in this liking spectrum just because of that smile. It's a different smile, different from what I grew accustomed with. But still, it's so charming. He's so charming.

"Alright. Keep safe, you two. Please don't burn the house down, Christ's sake."

"You keep safe. And have fun!" I giggle, waving at him as his car drove past our house, disappearing out of our sight in mere seconds. "Okay, house tour?" I ask, unsure of what we'll do now. I hope he doesn't think I'm lame, though. I mean, what does he do for fun, anyways? I bet he does really cool stuff, whereas I just stay cooped up in the confinement of our house, either reading, surfing the web, sleeping or eating.

"Sure." He says with a shrug and suddenly I'm nervous altogether. Having someone you like in your house with you is such a big deal! I mean, here I am, about to let him see what I really am - the me that he obviously cannot see whenever we're in the church together. Sure, he's been in the house before when I got sick but we stayed in my room, doing nothing much and just watching a show but now is different. I am actually going to introduce the me me to him, if that even makes sense anymore. We would have to technically live together, for however long my dad would be out.

"Um, so this is the living room and that's the couch and this is the TV and this is the coffee table and, um, that's a lamp?" I scrunch my eyebrows, feeling wary with eyes darting down to my sock-clad feet, fingers fiddling with the hem of my jacket. "And, well, those are picture frames." I don't know why I suddenly felt like crying but kept it in with the help of my teeth biting down my lower lip to prevent the ugly sobs from slipping. "And over there's the kitchen, you can get food there." I lamely said because I feel lame. Here he is, my actual crush, looking so cool and radiating with such chill and attractive vibes while I stand here and point out all the obvious in our house. I feel so lame, seriously.

"Hey, are you crying?" He asks, his hand gently placing on my back almost making me jump because of the suddenness.

I wiped at my eyes abruptly, not wanting for him to see any tears there, looking up at him and shaking my head. "Nope! I'm just- No, I'm not crying." I snivel.

"Why're you crying?"

I shake my head again, still not giving in but my pout giving away the sour mood that's suddenly one hundred times more apparent now. I feel like such a baby but what's new, really? "I'm just upset because I feel lame a-around you."

He chuckles and I feel his hand soothing my back, making my skin feel so warm and.. weird. It almost made me jump again, though I'm already aware of it being there. "Why do you feel lame? You're not lame." He tried to consolidate but I only shook my head. I know I'm lame. Even Jenna calls me lame sometimes and I know she jokes all the time but I know it's real whenever she gets frustrated and call me lame.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now