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"But Mr. Perry's nice, and I like learning new stuff so it's really not so much of a pain." I say through mid-chew of my delicious spaghetti, Vic and I eating side by side in the dining room. I mostly just waited for him to finish cooking while I either scroll through my Instagram or talk to him while he's keeping an eye on the food that he was preparing. It tastes nice, honestly. I am kinda surprised that he can actually cook but he told me he learned how to cook okay because he needs to cook for himself from time to time.

"Good for you, then. High school kinda sucked for me." He says with a small laugh.

"Really? Why? Tell me about it!"

Vic laughs at my excitement, making me pout profusely. "About what? High school?" He asks, eyebrows meeting together in amusement and I nodded enthusiastically. "There's not much to tell. It's high school and it sucked, that's it."

"Is it really that bad?!" I ask. "Jenna tells me about her high school as if it's the worst thing that could happen to anyone."

He shrugs, "Maybe it isn't the worst worst, but it's definitely one of the worsts." He says with a laugh and I still don't get it. Why is school not fun? How could it be not fun? I like learning and I do like studying but every movie and TV shows portray high school like it's remotely close to actual hell. Whenever I get bored, I wish my dad could've just enrolled me in an actual high school. Studying one-on-one with a teacher can be boring sometimes, though I really like Mr. Perry so no offense to him.

I nodded a little, still not having a full grasp of it. "I like studying. I like school." I mumbled out of nowhere and I look at Vic curiously to see his reaction. Because I don't know much about Vic, in a typical high school setting, I see him as the bad boy rebel kind of character; skips class, disobeys rules, disrespects teachers, and the such. I might be wrong but that's how I'm imagining him when he was in high school.

"You really are something else, aren't you, Kells?" He says in wonderment, ruffling my hair as his teeth caught his lower lip between them and wow that's such a wonderful sight. He's.... Hot. I can't believe I'd be able to use that adjective to anyone but, yeah, he's hot and I can't contain the knot that tightened in my stomach with the simple sight of Vic biting his lip while brightly smiling.


We've finished our dinner and settled with another movie. Vic proposed the idea and I went on a little rant with him just sleeping mid-movie while I finished Flipped by myself. He promised not to fall asleep anymore and I agreed to watch another one, only if he chooses it this time. He seemed hesitant but he obliged because I basically wouldn't take no for an answer. Besides, I'm curious as to what type of movie he enjoys. Turns out, we're polars apart. We're watching a movie called Almost Famous and quite frankly, I don't know how I feel about it yet. It is interesting, honestly, but it's not in my usual selection of movies, is all.

"You're bored, aren't you?" Vic asks from beside me, looking at me a little with a small smile on his lips. He looks at me all knowingly, like he knew I wouldn't like what he's chose. I huffed, crossing my arms in front of my chest with a roll of my eyes.

"Am not. I- I like it." I say stubbornly, which made him chuckle. "It's true! It's interesting."

"Bet you wouldn't even imagine yourself watching this movie."

I scoff, keeping up the little argument. Something with the way he look and speak makes me feel so.. small? Offended? No, it's like he intends to offend me or something like that. That's one thing that I hate about Vic. Sometimes, he just never fails to make me feel stupid and humiliated about certain things. "Whatever. It's a movie and I'm watching it." I rolled my eyes at him. "At least I'm not sleeping mid-movie." I murmur.

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