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"Kellin!" Mr. Perry got my attention, clapping in front of my face, piercingly loud enough to make me cover my ears. "You've been spacing out. Focus." He scolds and I bit my lip, guilty.

It's true, I've been in such a spacey, happy mindset the past week and it's all because of Alan. I wake up in such a great mood every morning, looking forward to seeing his bright face before he has to go out for work. Also, I'd go to the diner every afternoon to just hang out and eat and wait for his shift to end. Yup, I stopped doing church help because my dad told Aunt Gab about what happened and was really mad and persistent in me, not pushing through with my service anymore.

Anyways, I've been doing better, I believe. I have someone to look forward to everyday and it's such a nice feeling - waking up and going to bed happy because of someone. Alan's not complicated and he isn't afraid to be out in the open with me. He even holds my hand whenever we walk back home! He's such a sweetheart and honestly, I'm starting to think that he's the ray of sunshine between us, not me.

"M'sorry." I murmur, looking back to the screen of my laptop, trying to get my mind back to this work that Mr. Perry's trying to make me do. We're studying World History now and I am never in my full attention when it comes to this subject. It's always giving me major headaches and I can't deal with it fully. Though I still try my best to do perfect in it. I don't want to get low grades or disappoint anyone.

"I'm glad that this boy's making you all giddy-happy but you have to listen well when we're studying, okay?" He says, browsing through his files in this bulky clear folder that he has, looking for something.

I shake my head, defensive, eyes wide and cheeks burning hot. "W-what?"

"Your dad told me about you and Alan." He chuckles.

"About us? What about us?"

"You know, you two being a couple and all." He explains, attention still glued to what he's looking for in this mess of papers that he have. I feel myself blushing like crazy but I don't try to fight it anymore.

Alan and I? A couple? That sounds so.. cute. I kind of like the idea and the sound of it but the assumption isn't true, not official. I mean, we don't talk about us being an actual couple yet because we just like being comfortable with each other every time we're together. We kiss and hug and cuddle but we never talk about us in that way, not yet at least.

Besides, it's only been a few days over a week since we've been this close, it's way too early to make up a relationship out of it.

Every after eating my lunch, I go back up to my room and read. I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye and even though it's not my usual cup of tea, I kind of like it. Though honestly, I didn't fully understand some part so maybe I'll reserve that discussion with Alan later on.

I am on my way to the diner since it already became a habit and, I don't want to admit it out loud but, I'd still catch myself glancing over the church every time I'd pass by it. Honestly, I kind of purposely go through this route just to sneak glances of it. Why? Because maybe I kind of want to unexpectedly see Vic somewhere around here.

I'm still mad at him, kinda sorta? He's still texting me everyday, calling me from time to time but I've learned to ignore it all, ignore him.

What he did to me, hurt physically and emotionally. I don't think he understands how much it stings to be hurt by someone you like. Gosh, I wish he knows just so that he'd be aware of it.

But I still can't find it in me to hate him fully, no. I'd still stop from time to time to think about him, think of what he could probably be doing. I still hope he's doing well, nonetheless.

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