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"He's- he's so mean. I didn't know he could be that mean to me but- but he is and he hurt me so much." I whimper, whining to Alan as he cleans the damaged patch of skin near my elbow. We are currently in the diner, at the back where only employees are allowed to go in. I feel bad because I came in here crying so as soon as Mimi saw me, she rushed over, really concerned. I didn't want to worry any of them but I just really wanted to go here so bad.

"Shh, calm down." Alan coos, dabbing the cotton on my wound gingerly. It stings and I nearly kicked his leg but I'm glad I controlled it before I hurt him too.

"Why did he hurt me like that, Al?" I ask, sniffling and rubbing my eyes carelessly with the sleeve of my shirt. Alan has been kind enough to tend for me. Mimi gave him all the supplies that he'll need to clean me up and he kindly offered to do it himself. I'm honestly thankful because I can't even imagine cleaning the blood off myself. I'm so scared of it.

"I don't know, Kells." He says, eyes soft and caring as he looks at me with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "But what I know is that, I wouldn't let him do that to you ever again." He adds, but unlike Jenna, he says it calmly and somewhat without a stain of anger, which is kind of comforting. I don't want anyone getting angry around me. I can't take it and I still feel like crying; I feel so fragile right now.

"I hate him." I mumble, staring down on my shoes. But do i really? Do I really hate Vic now? I mean, yes, I freaking hate him because he hurt me even though I didn't do anything to him but there's this little part of my brain that, somehow, is still convincing me that I don't hate him. Ugh, I'd just have to push the though at the back of my mind. 

"Hate's a strong word, Kells." Alan says, grabbing a band-aid and carefully placing it over my wound, patting the edges so that it's securely put on. I smiled at the design of the band-aid. It has little sunflowers on it and it's really cute.

"I know." I pout and Alan sits down next to me on this make-shift chair that they have back here. It's basically just an empty plastic crate for breads. It isn't the comfiest thing but I feel okay with it especially now that Alan's sitting next to me. I'm kinda cold and I hate myself for not bringing a jacket with me. "He told me he misses me, though. Which is really confusing." I mumble, head falling on Alan's shoulder as if on instinct. "D'ya think he lied?"

Alan hums, head falling on top of mine and we just sat there in silence, both of us just welcoming the comfort it brings us because, although we're squished together in this little space, it's kind of comfortable. I feel comfortable because he's beside me and he's also warm and he smells like food, which isn't a bad thing, by the way.

"Hey, Al?" I ask, nudging him a little. "Are you asleep?" I giggle, turning to look at him and his head falls on my lap instead. His eyes are closed but his lips are curled up to a smile so, just like what Jenna does whenever I'm feeling sleepy, I play with his hair, amused with the bright orange color of his locks. They look so cute and they complement his pale skin very well.

"Mm, you're so comfy." He mumbles. "If you continue doing that, I might just fall asleep right here like this." He says though it looks like he doesn't even plan on standing up any time soon. He looks so peaceful like that, as if he really wants to sleep and if he wants to, I'd gladly let him.

Minutes pass and I think Alan really did fall asleep. I am currently on my phone, posting the photo of my food from yesterday. I forgot to post it last night so might as well do it now while, well, Alan is sleeping on my lap.

I constructed the caption, typing and deleting a few times because I'm not sure as to what I should put, really. I settled with a strawberry emoji and a red heart. I still think that what Alan did was pretty cute. I have to give him credit for cheering me up heaps yesterday.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now