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Last night was crucial since I wasn't able to sleep very well because of, well, a certain boy who had been annoyingly barging in and out of my thoughts. I thought about everything that Jenna had told me and I also consulted the internet for an advice. Yes, desperate times calls for desperate measures so ideally, I go to the internet during times like this. I have this Instagram account where I just post cute photos, whatever, and I've managed to gain a good following (not really sure why and how). My friends on there told me that it's a crush; I have a crush!

And oh my gosh am I so happy just thinking about it. Okay, yeah, maybe it is just a tiny bit of a crush, but still! I've never had one before and it's just so exciting. I can't wait to feel more of it. I bet it's going to feel even better as days progress; I'm betting on it.

"Little shit!" Were the first words that I heard as I entered the backroom of the church - which I found out to be the place where they just stack spare chairs and keep a lot of used candles, and all that stuff. It's also where the lay ministers, the priest and the sacristans stand as they wait for their cue to walk out at the very beginning of a ceremony.

I peaked, the large wooden door creaking loudly as I did so. I wanted to discreetly see what's going on with Vic because the cussing alone scared me but as soon as I opened the door, he whipped his head to my direction, eyes wide but he soon realized that it's just me, his expression went back to that of yesterday - kind of annoyed and kind of bored and kind of not caring at all. Though that's what his expression lets off, I still couldn't help the bubbling feeling inside my stomach, as if I'm feeling hungry but not really. I could feel my cheeks heating up, too.

"You're here early." He commented, grabbing a broom and a dustpan and scooping something up near his shoe. When I saw what it is, I screeched, panic washing over me.

"Oh my gosh!" I shouted, scared off of my own head as I saw the cockroach still wriggling its tiny legs, trying hard to flip itself over.

Vic, though, discreetly chuckled, shaking his head. "It's dead." He simply said but it still bothered me.

"No, it's not! The legs are moving, look!"

Vic sighed, sounding so over it already. He dropped the cockroach back to the floor - right in front of me - and stepped on it mercilessly. As if he had done it before and it's just a normal thing for him to step on a cockroach like that. Ugh! It's so disgusting with it's green guts now surrounding his flimsy little body. "Happy?" He asked, looking at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Ew, it's- ew." I probably sounded like a little kid crying over a dead and defenseless cockroach but to be honest, I'm not too far from it.

"Good luck, you'll see more of that here." He muttered, going out of the door. I followed him, of course. I don't want to be left there on my own. What if another cockroach comes up and attacks me? Heck no. "Anyway, we'll work up stairs today."

"Where's that?" I asked, really curious and just overall happy that we would be getting out of here for the mean time. I really dislike cockroaches. My dad tells me that I shouldn't be afraid of them since I'm obviously bigger but the thought alone of cockroaches attacking me and probably biting me or crawling on to me definitely isn't sitting well on me.

Without so much of a word, Vic pointed a finger up to the second floor, as if it were obvious. I blushed to that. Well, duh, Kellin! Upstairs means up. Ugh, why do I suddenly feel so stupid, it's so embarrassing. I just want to fall into a hole and hide away.

We climb these really sketchy-looking flights of stairs - they're really old and made of wood and are really squeaky but are polished and seemingly well-kept. Honestly, the structure of the entire church is old - from the style and the looks of the woods but they're still sturdy because the people are doing a great job in maintaining them. And I guess it's time for me to do the same as a helper.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now