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My phone beeped from beside me, yet again, and although the urge to ignore it is becoming stronger and stronger with each message from my dad, I don't have it in me to ignore him. I know he'd just be even more worried if I were to do that, though. Also, I know my dad only means well, of course. I closed my phone after typing a little reply, sighing and hugging Pickles to my chest, another episode of Suburgatory ending.

"Boyfriend checking up on you again?" Vic comments from beside me. We've settled with watching series on my TV while we finish the food that he brought in here with him (although he already finished his food mere minutes after his first bite - he looked adorable eating, too, oops).

I look at him with wide, curious eyes, a pout falling on my lips as my head tilts to one side. "What?"

He nods over to my phone. "The thing's been beeping every thirty minutes." He says, chuckling a little, though his eyes are still ever-so stoic, not a tint of humor in them. He could be so confusingly contradicting, I swear.

I look at him for what seems to be minutes because I really don't get what he's trying to say here but then it suddenly just clicked. "Oh my gosh, no. I don't- I don't have a- a, uhm, boyfriend." I almost whispered the last part. I feel so embarrassed all of a sudden. I don't know why, but I guess there's this tiny feeling bubbling inside me, making me feel really lame, somehow? Like, I think I'm so lame because I haven't had a romantic relationship with anyone before. Heck, it's my first time having a crush!

His eyebrows rose, nodding slowly, as if trying to comprehend my little statement. "Have you had a boyfriend before?"

I shake my head sheepishly, fingers fiddling with Pickles' butt tag. He'll think I'm an even bigger loser now. "No." I mumble, biting my lip, a nervous habit, I suppose.

"Oh, really?" I snapped my gaze back up to a surprised-looking Vic, eyebrows raised and arms still crossed in front of his chest. Despite his expression showing disbelief and a bit of surprise, he's still sitting there on my bed in such a chilled out manner, back slouching in such an attractive way - and how the heck is that even possible anymore? I don't know. "I'm surprised."


"You're so pretty and adorable, I'm surprised that you haven't dated anyone before." He said with a shrug of his shoulders, ultimately making my face heat up. A complement coming from another person could make me blush but a complement coming from Vic? Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh. I might actually evaporate off of the face this planet.

"Umm, uh, no one likes me, I guess." I mumbled pass the heat still rising up to my cheeks and the twisting and turning my stomach. "But thanks? I guess." The way Vic complements me is way different than when my dad or Mr. Perry or Jenna or Stephanie complements me - there's this giddy feeling that instantly bubbles up in my stomach whenever Vic throws his complements my way.

"Fuck that. What's not to like about you, Quinn?" He asks and though he still startled me a little with his selection of word, it surprises me that he knows my last name.

"How'd you know my last name?" I ask curiously, eyes wide in curiosity.

"I have my ways. Don't change the subject, though. What's not to like about you, hm?" He's sitting up straight now, looking all interested with his face looking all smug and confident, instantaneously making me feel shy and small with just the look that he's giving me.

"Uhm, I don't- I don't know?"

"So far, I don't see anything unlikable about you, Quinn. You're not giving yourself enough recognition." He tsks, shaking his head a little and it made me worry but that grin goes up to his lips, making me relax a little. The thing with Vic is that I still don't know when to tell if he's being one hundred percent serious or he's just plainly messing with me. And even if he's messing with me, I don't know if he's making fun of me in a non-harmful way or in a bad way.

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